Gerry’s Review of Supernatural’s “Alex Annie Alexis Ann”:  Parallel Tracks

Gerry’s Review of Supernatural’s “Alex Annie Alexis Ann”: Parallel Tracks

This week’s Supernatural episode solidified writer Robert Berens as a stand out in the writing room. When Ben Edlund departed the series last season, he took with him a sense of whimsy and a sense of theme, a willingness to experiment grounded in a solid understanding of story. He left a space that needed to…

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.19, “Alex Annie Alexis Ann”

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.19, “Alex Annie Alexis Ann”

Anyone else feel like they just stepped into a time machine? “Alex Annie Alexis Ann” was the epitome of a classic episode of Supernatural. Not only did we have monster(s) of the week, but we had both Winchesters getting knocked out, Sam was tied to a chair, and Dean took joy in cutting the head…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×19, “Alex Annie Alexis Ann”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×19, “Alex Annie Alexis Ann”

Warning: If you have not seen tonight’s episode, “Alex Annie Alexis Ann,” then beware spoilers ahead! Episode Summary:  This was a good old fashioned monster of the week episode written by Robert Berens and featuring my favorite guest star, Kim Rhodes aka Sheriff Mills. The episode begins with the capture and arrest of a young…

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.08 – “Rock and A Hard Place”

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.08 – “Rock and A Hard Place”

It’s that time again! Welcome to the Winchesters’ Annual Deicide! Alright, everyone got their drinks ready for the game? Dean gets trapped with a girl, waiting for the demigod to eat them and Sam to save them? Drink. Demigod spills that “something’s wrong” with Sam? Drink. Bobby gets stabbed? Well his replacement. Fake out? No….

Thoughts on Supernatural 9×08: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Thoughts on Supernatural 9×08: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Thoughts on 9×08: Between a Rock and a Hard Place Non-stop laughter. That’s pretty much the extent of this episode, alongside bad-ass Winchester moments and with an emotional cherry-on-top ending that sobered the whole thing right back up. As nearly the entire season has been to date, this again delivered the old-school feel while maintaining…

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of Supernatural 9.08 – “Rock and a Hard Place”

  Owies. The pain! Here I was having a perfectly good time. There was creepy scenes, scary dungeonous pits, awesome Sam and Jody being awesome, Dean being cocky, bummed out, nervous, awkward and then…um… Olé! It was all kind of joyous and then…IT WASN’T! Oh Supernatural; when you’re really good, you’re really painful! Before I…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.08 – Rock and a Hard Place aka Sam’s Quest To Be Normal

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.08 – Rock and a Hard Place aka Sam’s Quest To Be Normal

Boys, boys, boys.  Oh how you crush me so.  Last week I went on a wee bit (yeah right) of a rant about how I was dying for movement in the whole angel thing.  While the episode itself was well constructed, my overall sentiment was a rinse, lather, repeat type attitude.  I’ve seen this with…

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.08 “Rock and a Hard Place”

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.08 “Rock and a Hard Place”

Man, virgins have it rough on this show. First we had Nancy, the secretary from “Jus in Bello” way back in season three, then there were all those girls in “Like a Virgin” and now we’ve got born-again virgins who have relapsed. It seems everyone wants to sacrifice them, collect them or eat them. Not…