WEDNESDAY’S WATCHING Supernatural 11.16 “Safe House”

WEDNESDAY’S WATCHING Supernatural 11.16 “Safe House”

WEDNESDAY’S WATCHING Supernatural 11.16 “Safe House” Writer: Robbie Thompson Director: Stefan Pleszczynski Director of Photography C.S.C: Serge Ladouceur Airdate: 23.03.2016 BY WEDNESDAY A marvel of juxtaposition. It’s complicated. WHAT DID I WATCH? THE SCRIPT Having two “elderly statesmen” carry on hunting in an entertaining manner underlines the possibility that Dean and Sam could carry on…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.16, “Safe House” aka Grumpy Old Men of Letters

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.16, “Safe House” aka Grumpy Old Men of Letters

There.  That’s the show I know and love.    I admit that I was less enthused coming back from the month long break.  Episodes 11-15 were lackluster at best (minus the brilliant “The Vessel”).  I also knew that the show doesn’t like digging to the mytharc until about episode 17 or 18, so we were…