Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 9.01, “I Think I’m Going to Like It Here”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 9.01, “I Think I’m Going to Like It Here”

Supernatural Season 9 wisely begins where Season 8 ends: both in timeline and in emotional impact. It is immediately after “Sacrifice,” and all the speculation and questions can finally be answered in “I Think I’m Going to Like It Here.” We have two story lines making their trajectory across the screen, briefly meeting before becoming…

Nate Winchester’s Review: Supernatural 9.01 – “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here”

Nate Winchester’s Review: Supernatural 9.01 – “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here”

Supernatural is back! Hmm… new season, premiere and all that… I should do something fun. What to do what to do… Oh thank you family for providing a game to follow along! So let’s do this by running all 5 cards at once and see how the game plays.

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.19 – “Taxi Driver”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.19 – “Taxi Driver”

One thing Supernatural does best is tug on multiple threads in its story, weaving them together so that each one is essential to the whole. The layers that this provides allows for deep insight into the story and its characters. Each layer adds another texture, another emotion, another clue as to what is being told….

Alice’s Review:  “Supernatural” 8.19, “Taxi Driver” aka Plot Holes Explained!

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.19, “Taxi Driver” aka Plot Holes Explained!

Episodes like “Taxi Driver” are a struggle for me.  I had the same problem with last season’s “The Born-Again Identity.”  The possibilities are oh so amazing, yet the execution just ends up falling short.  It becomes an internal struggle at review time between my inner TV critic and my inner fan girl.  Those two bitches…

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.19, “Taxi Driver”

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.19, “Taxi Driver”

I liked “Taxi Driver”, a lot. Let me tell you why. I’m not much of a stickler for the nitty gritty. I don’t watch an episode and go, wait, that doesn’t gel with what was represented by canon in episode 5.ticketyboo. I don’t really care, it’s cool if you do, it’s just I don’t. It’s…

Bardicvoice’s VanCon Reports, Part 7: Richard Speight, Jr. & Matt Cohen, Jim Beaver & Misha Collins

Bardicvoice’s VanCon Reports, Part 7: Richard Speight, Jr. & Matt Cohen, Jim Beaver & Misha Collins

(All photos from sweetondean) I’ve chosen to consolidate the last two panels on Saturday because I didn’t get as many notes from them as from others. The Dick and Matt show was a lot of fun and included some tasty treats. The Jim and Misha panel was less rewarding to me personally because it had…

Alice’s Review:  Supernatural 7.23 – “Survival of The Fittest” Plus Appreciation For Sera Gamble

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 7.23 – “Survival of The Fittest” Plus Appreciation For Sera Gamble

I don’t know how many of you follow us on Twitter, but this was my initial reaction after seeing that shocking cliffhanger Friday evening:    @Winfambusiness:  Hee, how much do you want to bet Sera Gamble wrote that end, chucked the script at Jeremy Carver and said, “All yours!” 🙂 I kid, I kid.  Still,…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 7.23, “Survival of the Fittest”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 7.23, “Survival of the Fittest”

For the last two seasons, Supernatural has danced around the notion of Purgatory. True to form, the show takes the notion of the oft neglected realm in a different direction. Rather than being the place where souls are purged—hence the name—of sins as found in Catholic tradition, we learned through the Alpha Vampire that this…