Fan Video of the Week: Supernatural Reflections “Hiatus Hunting”

Fan Video of the Week: Supernatural Reflections “Hiatus Hunting”

“All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.” — Winston Churchill   After last season ended, it was time for the normal hiatus re-watch, which actually got a little more complicated when Supernatural was removed from Netflix. First they took seasons 1-6 away…

Listening In: Fans’ Supernatural #MinnCon Memories

Listening In: Fans’ Supernatural #MinnCon Memories

Supernatural conventions are emotional, exuberant experiences. Every fan who attends leaves with their own unique memories. Each impression of the convention is a combination of factors, such as whether the attendee is a rookie or veteran, is meeting friends or attending solo (Farawayeyes discussed this aspect of conventions in her recent MinnCon reflection), and on…

#SPNMinnCon In Retrospect: The Supernatural Family Reunion

#SPNMinnCon In Retrospect: The Supernatural Family Reunion

The question “How many of you are at your first con” is regularly asked by much of the cast. Sometimes many hands shoot up—but at others not many. The question then becomes—largely unspoken—why do you keep going to these Supernatural conventions? Once you’ve gotten your autographs and photo ops and seen the panels, why do…