Top 10 Clues to Supernatural Season 13 and Beyond

Top 10 Clues to Supernatural Season 13 and Beyond

As the Supernatural fandom eagerly awaits (and simultaneously dreads) the final chapters in season 12’s story, we have a one week break to consider what heartbreak might be in store for our heroes this year. A recent Supernatural convention participant reported that Jensen said this finale will be the hardest he and Jared have ever…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 12.11 “Regarding Dean”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 12.11 “Regarding Dean”

This week’s episode, “Regarding Dean,” was written by Meredith Glynn. The episode’s teaser focuses on the Winchester’s history with witches and it begins with Dean chasing a guy through the forest, an injured guy who is on the phone with someone. The guy tells the person on the phone to go. When Dean catches up…