Inspired by Supernatural: Fan Art by Bettina Bier

Inspired by Supernatural: Fan Art by Bettina Bier

Editor’s Note: Supernatural inspires each of its fans in different ways. I write. Others draw, create fan videos or write fan fiction. Bettina creates collages of Supernatural’s characters edited together with images that express her interpretation of the characters’ personalities or characteristics. I first saw Bettina’s “Animal” themed art on Twitter. I thought it was…

Inspired by Supernatural: Collectible Sam and Dean Action Figures

Inspired by Supernatural: Collectible Sam and Dean Action Figures

Editor’s Note: A fan alerted me to the existence of these Sam and Dean action figures. After reading the persistence and vision it took to create them, then seeing these pictures, I had to put this story together for you. Collectibles are a part of every fandom. These are homemade yet some of the best…