Walker Season 3 “Fill in the Blank” Bonus Episode Recap/Review!

Walker Season 3 “Fill in the Blank” Bonus Episode Recap/Review!

Hello all and welcome to another episode of Walker! Or, well, sort of. What you are about to read (if you so desire) is not a review of a canon episode of Walker that aired on The CW. Rather, this is a fandom collaborative experience called “Let’s Write an Episode of Walker!” Simply put, I…

Bourbon Nights: Losing a Brother

Bourbon Nights: Losing a Brother

“Bourbon Nights: Losing a Brother” Story by Gail Z. Martin Dioramas by Catherine Curl This story takes places after Supernatural 15:20 “Carry On” and Walker 3:15 “False Flag Part 2”. Spoiler warning for those seasons and episodes.  The Jackalope was exactly the kind of bar Cordell Walker needed tonight. Not the Side Step, where everyone knew…

Supernatural Season 15 – A Fan Fiction Alternate Myth Arc (Part 3)

Supernatural Season 15 – A Fan Fiction Alternate Myth Arc (Part 3)

Like many in the fandom I was… less than pleased with the final season of Supernatural. As the challenge goes: Do you think you can do better? So last year I completely rewrote the final 3 episodes of the season in my extended fan fic “With or Without You”, yet I still find my mind turning…

Supernatural Season 15 – A Fan Fiction Alternate Myth Arc (Part 2)

Supernatural Season 15 – A Fan Fiction Alternate Myth Arc (Part 2)

Like many in the fandom I was… less than pleased with the final season of Supernatural. As the challenge goes: Do you think you can do better? So last year I completely rewrote the final 3 episodes of the season in my extended fan fic “With or Without You”. Yet I still find my mind…

Supernatural Season 15 – A Fan Fiction Alternate Myth Arc (Part 1)

Supernatural Season 15 – A Fan Fiction Alternate Myth Arc (Part 1)

Did anybody ask for this? I think someone did. Rewrites can be quite easy to do: Just pick any point in a story and proceed forward. The challenge is that if you end up rewriting too much, why not just put in that last 2% of effort and finish making something wholly original? I find…

Another Auld Lang Syne: Sam & Dean’s New Year’s Eve

Another Auld Lang Syne: Sam & Dean’s New Year’s Eve

Another Auld Lang Syne Story by Gail Z. Martin Dioramas by Catherine Curl Author’s Note: I wrote this during Season 14 before the mid-season finale, so it’s a look into the past. This first appeared in my Supernatural TFWNC group on Facebook. New Year’s Eve at the Bunker is fairly quiet—a rarity for the Winchesters….

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 13

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 13

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 12

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 12

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 11

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 11

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented  in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 10

Supernatural Finale: With or Without You – Part 10

Welcome Back to my vision of the end of Sam and Dean’s fight to save the world! “With or Without You” is a multi-part, complex tale that brings the Supernatural saga to a close in a way that’s quite different than the “Unity”/”Despair”/”Inherit the Earth” finale that was presented in season 15. Yes, there’s mystery, danger, old friends…