Double Trouble, Supernatural Style!

Double Trouble, Supernatural Style!

Sam and Dean are the most formidable monster hunters in the Supernatural universe. Still, there is something that monsters fear more than the brothers and their allies – double trouble, Supernatural style! There have been many hunts over the past 15 years that have somehow required or produced duplicate Sams, Deans, Castiels or Bobbys. Occasionally,…

Breathtaking Shots of Supernatural’s Dean Winchester!

Breathtaking Shots of Supernatural’s Dean Winchester!

If you’ve been following The Winchester Family Business‘ “Breathtaking Photos” series, you know that I’ve had this idea for a while. What if we put together a series of our favorite photos of Supernatural‘s lead stars and characters? I’m not talking about the good pictures, or even the really good pictures, because, let’s be honest,…

Supernatural’s Ten Most Disturbing Character Deaths

Supernatural’s Ten Most Disturbing Character Deaths

Hi, everyone! I’m back with another top ten article about Supernatural! This time I’ve picked the ten most disturbing deaths of beloved recurring characters.  Once again, I chose my list by picking the first ten that came to me. I figured these deaths impacted and affected me the most.  Now, before you read my list, write…

Threads: Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”

Threads: Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”

The Morning After Now that’s more like it! Supernatural‘s “Destiny’s Child” engaged the imagination. There was mystery, emotion and plot development. Granted, some of the new canon that was introduced to advance our heroes’ plights required a massive suspension of disbelief, but at least the episode mostly made sense and was super fun to watch!…

Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”–Returns, Remorse, and Replicas

Supernatural 15.13 “Destiny’s Child”–Returns, Remorse, and Replicas

What a fascinating episode. For me, Supernatural episodes fall into one of the following three categories: 1. Essential to the arc of the season 2. Monster of the week 3. Comedy/One-offs (ala “The French Mistake”) This episode was kind of, sort of, all three mixed up into one. It’s thrown me for a loop a little.