A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Eight Dean Winchester, Part Two

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Eight Dean Winchester, Part Two

For those that missed part one, that can be found here:   A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Eight Dean Winchester, Part One  In the second half of season two, Dean became more focused as ever in his quest to close the gates of Hell.  He also became a bit of a serial hugger, but…

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Eight Dean Winchester, Part One

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Eight Dean Winchester, Part One

Oh, thank you season eight!  Way to bring the word “character” back to Dean Winchester.  For a guy that’s been through so much, he was finally able to take many steps forward in his growth, and the end result is someone I believe in again.   For anyone that read my “Deeper Look at Season…

Top Twelve Sam Winchester Humiliating Moments (and One For Dean)

Top Twelve Sam Winchester Humiliating Moments (and One For Dean)

Poor Sam Winchester. Not only has he had a ton of misfortune and bad luck in his life, but there are often times he finds himself in precarious, utterly humiliating situations which he didn’t come close to inviting but has been forced to endure anyway. Sure, several of his little embarrassing messes are the result of his…

It’s About Time That Dean Slept For 36 Hours

{Note from Alice.  Both Pragmatic Dreamer and Bookdal have found some sheer inspiration is the strange time references/lapses in “Adventures In Babysitting” and beyond.  I’m publishing both these articles around the same time so both these amazing theories can be pondered and discussed.  Suddenly, all may not be what it seems.  Enjoy this take from…

The Strength of Suffering:  Dean Winchester and an Exquisite Angst

The Strength of Suffering: Dean Winchester and an Exquisite Angst

The Strength of Suffering: Dean Winchester and an Exquisite Angst Or Love Notes from an Invisible Companion     “The time of trial is the express opportunity for the one to win glory, for the other to perfect his wisdom. Hence, indeed, virtue gets its name, because, relying on its own efficacy, it yieldeth not…