Faith and Supernatural

Faith and Supernatural

It’s always disappointing to read casual, dismissive references to Supernatural as simply a fantasy genre show featuring two hunky brothers.  While that superficial description of the show is true on its face, it merely provides the framework for a profound exploration of a multitude of  bigger themes: loyalty, family, morality, self-sacrifice, free will and destiny,…

Supernatural: Brotherly Love – aka I Wuv Hugz

There’s one thing almost every Supernatural fan can agree on:  We love it when the brothers hug!  After “The Executioner’s Song”, I read throughout the fandom how people considered Dean’s near-exhausted fall into Sam’s arms to be a hug.  Yep.  I did too. So that, coupled with a four-week hiatus, generated this little article:  A…

Dean’s Den:  The Dean Winchester Discussion Thread

Dean’s Den: The Dean Winchester Discussion Thread

Want to talk about Dean Winchester but your thoughts are off topic from any of our articles?  Well then, this thread is for you!  It’s all about Dean here – his burdens, his hangups, his tragic losses, his badassery, his “make me explode” death stare, his awesome lines, his devotion to family and friends, his…

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Nine Dean Winchester, Part Two

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Nine Dean Winchester, Part Two

In part two, things really unravel for poor Dean now that he has the Mark of Cain, which seems like a chicken scratch for a bit of the second half until he gets to touch the First Blade.  It’s the great fall of Dean Winchester, and it all plays out like a Greek tragedy.      …

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Nine Dean Winchester, Part One

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Nine Dean Winchester, Part One

To say that this season was complicated for Dean Winchester is quite an understatement.  Like he told Sam in “Sharp Teeth,” someone changed the rules.  In Dean’s case, that rules change resulted in the worst case example of what happens when your life is devoted to others but not yourself.  Did the punishment fit the…

Unicorns, Soulmates and Sacrifices – Part 1

Unicorns, Soulmates and Sacrifices – Part 1

Hello and welcome to Romance, Bromance and Reflections! Today we will be looking at that frequently tossed about phrase “soulmate” and just what exactly it means in the Supernatural world these days. The impetus for today’s discussion really began brewing way back when in Goodbye Stranger – Amelia was referenced as Sam’s unicorn and it…