Supernatural Old v New: Part Two – Sam and Dean’s Motivations and Desires

Supernatural Old v New: Part Two – Sam and Dean’s Motivations and Desires

  Initially, I began looking at Sam and Dean separately when it came to their motives and desires: two wholly individual pieces on two different men. As time went on, however, it became increasingly apparent that you can’t readily examine one without the other present because as we well know – the Winchester brothers are…

“Get a Room!” Supernatural’s Season 10 Motel Rooms – Part 1

“Get a Room!” Supernatural’s Season 10 Motel Rooms – Part 1

“Get a Room!” By Wednesday Supernatural’s Season 10 Motel Rooms PART ONE Browsing the SupernaturalWiki site, I noticed that the motel room descriptions stopped after Season Eight. In attempt to fill the void and to pay tribute to the Set designers and Location team, I offer this series of articles. Jerry Wanek, set designers, artists…

“Get a Room!” Supernatural’s Season 9 Motel Rooms – Part 2

“Get a Room!” Supernatural’s Season 9 Motel Rooms – Part 2

 “Get a Room!” Supernatural’s Season 9 Motel Rooms By WEDNESDAY Browsing the SupernaturalWiki site, I noticed that the motel room descriptions stopped after Season Eight. The advent of the Bunker seriously negated the necessity for the boys to be on the road and at the mercy of tacky motel rooms.  Jerry Wanek, set designers and…

Thoughts on Supernatural 11.13 “Love Hurts”

Thoughts on Supernatural 11.13 “Love Hurts”

In retrospect, this episode has some disappointments that won’t ever payoff as fully as they tease. On first viewing, however, without knowing what direction the season will ultimately end up and how our character’s storylines will finally payoff, “Love Hurts” has some satisfying moments of character and story. Let’s start at the beginning.

“I’m Sorry, Have You Met Me?” I’m Percysowner!

“I’m Sorry, Have You Met Me?” I’m Percysowner!

“I’m Sorry, Have You Met Me?”By WEDNESDAYWelcome to another:The best way to get to know someone is to have a little heart to heart chat.With this in mind, let’s have some fun getting to better know our Contributing Staff here at The Winchester Family Business.The entire writing staff was challenged to select eleven questions to…

“I’m Sorry, Have You Met Me?” I’m Nate!

“I’m Sorry, Have You Met Me?” I’m Nate!

 “I’m sorry have you met me?”By WEDNESDAYWelcome to another:Too much time passes and old friends seem like strangers.Not enough time can make strangers stay strangers.With this in mind, it’s time to POP by for a visit with our Contributing Staff here at THE WINCHESTER FAMILY BUSINESS.The WFB Writing Staff was challenged to select eleven questions…

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 11.20 – “Don’t Call Me Shurley”

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 11.20 – “Don’t Call Me Shurley”

Editor’s Note: Each week Karen visually recapped what she felt were the best and most memorable moments of the new Supernatural episode. The list varied from week to week, depending on what transpired in the episode. Towards the end of the season, we skipped a few episodes, though, usually for scheduling reasons. “Don’t Call Me…