Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.05 “Proverbs: 17:3”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.05 “Proverbs: 17:3”

THEN:  Sam’s vision from last week – the bunker in red light, Dean battling his way through the halls until he reaches Sam who kills him; Sam jolting awake; “God’s gone; it’s just us and the ghosts”; the ghosts and Belphegor; Rowena’s death; Dean and Cas arguing. NOW:  In Black Forest, CO, three young woman…

Threads: Supernatural 15.04 “Atomic Monsters”

Threads: Supernatural 15.04 “Atomic Monsters”

The Morning After Well that was intense – in a sneaky, you don’t feel the trauma until it’s over, kind of way. Supernatural 15.04 “Atomic Monsters” had all the signs of being a filler, monster-of-the-week story. Small town mystery of disappearing teens puts the boys together on the road again chasing a case to get…

Supernatural’s Winchesters and the Heroic Archetype

Supernatural’s Winchesters and the Heroic Archetype

Human history, as well as our current culture, abounds with stories about heroes.  The Winchesters are undoubtedly heroes, constantly putting their lives in jeopardy for others. We first learned of the Winchesters in Supernatural‘s season 1, where we saw them stepping in between blood-thirsty monsters and vengeful ghosts to save individual people.

Supernatural Character Regressions: Dean

Supernatural Character RegressionsPart 1: Dean Character development is not always linear towards growth, especially when characters are as well created and brought to life as Dean Winchester. Sometimes characters regress in their emotional development, retreating within themselves out of fear or embarrassment, or because it’s just too hard to face what they must face. One…

Inspired by Supernatural:  Happy Halloween!

Inspired by Supernatural: Happy Halloween!

Dean: It´s Halloween, man. Sam: Yeah, for us every day is Halloween. But for the most people around the world, Halloween is on October 31. Pumpkins get carved, houses get spooky decorations and costume parties are held.   The Supernatural fandom has their own special way to celebrate Halloween. Last year we showed you incredible…

Nightsky and Lynn Watch Supernatural 15.03 “The Rupture” (tissues not optional)

Nightsky and Lynn Watch Supernatural 15.03 “The Rupture” (tissues not optional)

As sometimes happens with SPNFamily, I rewatched Supernatural 15.03, “The Rupture” with a friend and fellow fangirl, Lynn Zubernis of FangasmSPN. Lynn and I both write weekly reviews of Supernatural’s episodes, each for different fan sites, and while we each favor a different  brother, ship different pairings, and sometimes have extremely different reactions to episodes,…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.03 “The Rupture”

THEN:  ghosts; Belphegor; the taillights of the Impala; Ketch asking about Jack and Cas telling him that Jack is dead, killed by God; Ketch saying that a demon named Ardat hired him to kill Belphegor; Rowena using the soul vacuum; Dean telling Rowena, “Sam kills you;”  the hell ghosts plotting to escape; Sam saying they…