Robin’s Rambles: “Supernatural” 7.23 – “Survival of The Fittest”

“Survival of the Fittest” Episode 23, season 7 Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel   “Carry On, Wayward Son” opens the final ep of the season, as usual, over a montage of what the brothers have been through this year, and it always makes me cry. This season is no different. My poor Winchesters! How do…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 7.22, “There Will Be Blood”

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 7.22, “There Will Be Blood”

I did something I normally don’t do before writing my weekly review.  I went and read other people’s reviews.  I honestly wanted to see if I was missing something, if my reservations about the tired pacing, lackluster tension, and absence of originality in this episode were unfounded.  I even watched the episode right away after…

Far Away Eyes’ Review, 7.22: “There Will Be Blood”

Far Away Eyes’ Review, 7.22: “There Will Be Blood”

Deals on Supernatural never end well. John’s deal with Azazel to save Dean came at the cost of his life. Dean’s deal with the Crossroads Demon (eventually held by Lilith) yielded Sam’s life—at the cost of Dean’s own. Castiel’s deal with Crowley to defeat Raphael lead to the release of the Leviathan. So, it isn’t…

Robin’s Rambles: “There Will Be Blood”

Robin’s Rambles: “There Will Be Blood”

“There Will Be Blood” Season 7 Episode 22 Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel Now – Dick Roman is being interviewed by Gloria Jane, who mentions that he has purchased controlling interest in Sucrocorp.  Why the sudden interest in big foods? she asks. He tells her that Sucrocorp plans on eating well. How will pumping sweeteners…

“Time For A Wedding” Review – The Fun House Effect

“Time For A Wedding” Review – The Fun House Effect

“Time for a Wedding,” takes the viewer into a proverbial fun house effect. It begins with Dean sitting in a bar, talking to the waitress about the “annual sacred pilgrimage” to Vegas. A text message pulls him away, telling him to put on a suit and meet his brother at a chapel. Upon arrival, the…

Robin’s Rambles – “Season 7, Time For A Wedding!”

Robin’s Rambles – “Season 7, Time For A Wedding!”

“Season 7 Time For a Wedding” Season 7 Episode 8 Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel Las Vegas, NV – A hot blond waitress tells Dean she’s a grad student–“People say I say that just to get a bigger tip–see!–there’s that look!” “This is my I dig smart chicks look,” he assures her, “if they dressed…

Alice’s Review – “Season 7, Time For A Wedding!”

Alice’s Review – “Season 7, Time For A Wedding!”

When I first saw “Season 7, Time For A Wedding!” I actually liked it.  Not love, and it certainly wasn’t the funniest episode I’d seen, but after all the controversy over recent episodes, I was in the mood for something light.  It delivered.       As you all know, I’ve been a little sour on…