Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.07, “A Little Slice of Kevin”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.07, “A Little Slice of Kevin”

Season 8 of Supernatural has played with various themes. It has looked at choice, personal responsibility, good intentions, and grief. In “A Little Slice of Kevin,” we see another theme, that of perception, addressed directly. It has been there in various ways throughout the season, yet here we see it thrust out into the open,…

Robin’s Rambles – Supernatural 8.07: “A Little Slice of Kevin”

Robin’s Rambles – Supernatural 8.07: “A Little Slice of Kevin”

Episode 7, Season 8 A Little Slice of Kevin Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel We go to the idyllic setting of Randy Raccoon Pre-School, where, while a great wind blows, a demon disappears into a restroom with Aaron, a cute little boy covered in paint–and kidnaps him. The other kids run for cover, screaming; an…

Ramblings On…Supernatural Episode 8×07: “A Little Slice of Kevin”

Ramblings On…Supernatural Episode 8×07: “A Little Slice of Kevin”

I promised it, and I’m delivering!  After my procedure Tuesday, I have risen like a phoenix from the ashes (preferably one that has reformed and/or hasn’t killed so I can get the Winchester brothers to decide not to do me in…) and am working on my review.  O.K., I’m being a little melodramatic…it really wasn’t…

Thoughts on “Supernatural” 8.07 – “A Little Slice of Kevin”

Thoughts on “Supernatural” 8.07 – “A Little Slice of Kevin”

Thoughts on “A Little Slice of Kevin”   Season eight of “Supernatural” has been one of my favourites thus far. It’s up there among season four (my favourite season bar none) and season five, my second favourite season, though season eight is certainly edging up there. The writing this season has been strong and feels…

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.07, “A Little Slice of Kevin”

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.07, “A Little Slice of Kevin”

Maybe I should be disappointed that “A Little Slice of Kevin” showed no aftermath of the war of the Winchesters from the week before. I was expecting some tension, possibly a little hostility, definitely an undercurrent of anger. Maybe I should be disappointed that we didn’t get that. But, I simply can’t seem to give…

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 8.07, “A Little Slice of Kevin”

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 8.07, “A Little Slice of Kevin”

So the “little slice of Kevin” referenced in this week’s episode title turned out to be quite literal. See what happens when you don’t listen to Sam and Dean? The King of Hell abducts you and chops off your pinky. There’s a cautionary tale for you, kids. Let’s face it, Mrs. Tran and Kevin have…

Supernatural 8.02:  “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?”:  It’s About The Sacrifice

Supernatural 8.02: “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?”: It’s About The Sacrifice

8.02: What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?: It’s About The Sacrifice What’s the price of peace? Mother’s soul for her son’s life; Dean’s Winchester guilt.     Commentary and Meta Analysis I will apologize in advance, because this one’s going to be short and shallow given the current strictures on my time. I hope to be able…

Ramblings On…Supernatural Episode 8.02, “What’s Up Tiger Mommy”

Ramblings On…Supernatural Episode 8.02, “What’s Up Tiger Mommy”

I have come to the conclusion that I really need to stop playing on twitter when I am watching a television show.  On the one hand, I love the opportunity to converse with other people as crazy about a show as I am!  But on the other hand, there is the problem with–well, missing things…Like…

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.02 –  “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?”

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.02 – “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?”

I’ve got to say, I Ioved this episode. I really loved it.   I can’t remember the last time “Supernatural” got me so over emotional. I mean, outside of the overtly emotional episodes of course, where I cry like a baby! “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?” probably was not meant to affect me the way it…

Robin’s Rambles – Supernatural 8.02, “What’s Up Tiger Mommy?”

Robin’s Rambles – Supernatural 8.02, “What’s Up Tiger Mommy?”

What’s Up, Tiger Mommy? Season 8, Episode 2 Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel Now – Chicago, IL – A Mr. Villi comes to open safety deposit box #1, to the teller’s surprise. They did a renovation of the bank, so they put his inside a new one, she says, revealing an ancient box with a…