Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 9.02, “Devil May Care”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 9.02, “Devil May Care”

The second episode of the ninth season of Supernatural shows us exactly why this show has endured and thrived for this long. Originally, the series was billed in the horror genre—filled with monsters and ghosts and gore galore. The goal was to explore what goes bump in the night and to investigate what frightens us…

Threads: Supernatural 9.01 and 9.02

Threads: Supernatural 9.01 and 9.02

Funny thing about loose threads.  Weave enough strong threads together and you will get a colorful, coherent tapestry that tells an epic story.  Pull on weak threads individually, though, and they will unravel and fall to the ground, to be swept away as meaningless clutter… Season 8 was so volatile (controversial, disappointing episodes followed by…

Supernatural 8.23, “Sacrifice”: It Was Always God’s Intention, The Ultimate Sacrifice

8.23 Sacrifice: It Was Always God’s Intention, The Ultimate Sacrifice Metatron’s Heaven: Exile angels for revenge. Closing Hell is death.   Commentary and Meta Analysis   My reaction to this episode was mixed. On the one hand, the performances, direction, and technical production aspects were absolutely stellar, and it filled my eyes and broke my…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.23 – “Sacrifice”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 8.23 – “Sacrifice”

  Strip away the falling angels, the demons, and the Demon Trials and we are left with a story about seeking redemption. It is this aspect that makes Supernatural so utterly gripping and powerful each episode—and “Sacrifice” is no different. It’s all about forgiveness. It can be hard won or given freely. Sometimes its both….

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.23, “Sacrifice” aka Thank You Jeremy Carver!

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.23, “Sacrifice” aka Thank You Jeremy Carver!

Holy mother of Chuck!!  Now that’s how you end a season.  Leave the fans screaming their fool heads off for about four and a half months.  Mr. Carver, you’re pure evil.  sweetondean in her review actually stole my line, so I’ll just say that I hope Jeremy Carver loves fruit.  Cause he’s about to get…

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of the Supernatural season 8 finale: 8.23 “Sacrifice”

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of the Supernatural season 8 finale: 8.23 “Sacrifice”

Oh Sam and Dean, how you can rip my heart out and in the same moment fill me with hope. I felt like I’d been waiting 4 seasons for that conversation. Through all the mistrust, the walking away, the fights, the angry words, I never once doubted that a powerful love was always there, but…

Robin’s Rambles:  Supernatural Episode 8.23, “Sacrifice”

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural Episode 8.23, “Sacrifice”

I know I haven’t been here for many months, and all I’m going to say about that is that I had two back surgeries to have a spinal deformity corrected, and I’m healing, with maddening sloth.  I also wanted to say that I have been thoroughly enjoying season eight of “Supernatural” way more than six…