Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.06- “Heaven Can’t Wait”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.06- “Heaven Can’t Wait”

So far, season nine has been about the human condition. Supernatural has explored it in various and powerful methods throughout its history, but in this episode it is a vibrant thread. Normally, we explore this through Sam and Dean themselves—but the show takes advantage of the supernatural characters available to them—here a former angel and…

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of “Supernatural” 9.06 – “Heaven Can’t Wait”

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of “Supernatural” 9.06 – “Heaven Can’t Wait”

  Welcome Robert Berens. You did a very nice job. I guess I wasn’t looking forward to this episode quite as much as some people. I’m impatient (in a good way) for what’s going on between Sam and Dean and the nasty road that’s taking us down and though I’m interested to see how Castiel…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×06 “Heaven Can’t Wait”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×06 “Heaven Can’t Wait”

If you have not seen tonight’s episode then spoilers are below…be warned. Brief Recap: This episode was the maiden voyage for new Supernatural writer Robert Berens. And KUDOS to you, Mr. Berens! This was fantastic and good and fantastic and all kinds of superlatives that I reserve for very few. Welcome to our family! Stay…

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview of “Supernatural” 9.06 – “Heaven Can’t Wait”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview of “Supernatural” 9.06 – “Heaven Can’t Wait”

It’s preview time again! Can you believe it? The only good thing about these weeks speeding by like the Impala down a lonely back highway, is that we get to the new episode more quickly…but that also means that the season is ticking by more quickly…and that means we’re going to be at Christmas hiatus…

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

Once again we learn that Winchesters’ Law is immutable: “Every time a character appears on Supernatural, the odds of their death will eventually reach 1.” They just don’t always stay that way… Then there’s… man, two weeks in a row of crap? Sure I was on board with this episode for most of the way…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.04- “Slumber Party”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.04- “Slumber Party”

Supernatural never shies away from the meta-fictional—and “Slumber Party” takes that tradition to new heights. Ever since the Tulpa hunt in “Hell House,” the acknowledgment that Supernatural is indeed fiction has been toyed with and brought to the forefront. It is a tongue in cheek addition and an open discussion on the nature of story….

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of “Supernatural” 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of “Supernatural” 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

  Aww there’s no place like home…. *wibble* I must admit to getting a little misty eyed at the end there. Me being me, I really hope that was Sam going, “Well, maybe.” He’s such a thoughtful guy, he would’ve considered what Dean said and why exactly he’s not thinking of the bunker as a…

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

Robin’s Rambles, Slumber Party, Episode 4 Season 9 *The beginnings of the Batcave! This dump, junction of good and evil! Excitement & adventure! Frank’s kid, Dorothy is a hunter!? With the wicked witch!? *They give Crowley a crayon to write with, lol! He wants a room with a view or a walk.  *Kevin taking a…