Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.23, “Brother’s Keeper” aka Sam and Dean Broke the World Again?

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.23, “Brother’s Keeper” aka Sam and Dean Broke the World Again?

Sam, Dean, what did you do? Did you go and break the world again? I gotta say, if “Brother’s Keeper” did one thing (and trust me, it did many things), it gave us enough possibilities to keep us all happily speculating and theorizing for the next five months (yes, October is that far away). Far…

Threads: Supernatural 10.22 “The Prisoner”

Threads: Supernatural 10.22 “The Prisoner”

What can I say about “The Prisoner”? I can’t honestly say I “liked” this episode. “Like” doesn’t describe my emotional or intellectual response to it. It was intense, but even that doesn’t seem to be the right description. It elicited fear, foreboding and dread. I was tense for the entire episode, and afterward I felt…