Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 11.06 “Our Little World”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 11.06 “Our Little World”

Tonight’s episode, penned by Bob Berens and directed by John Showalter, focuses on several threads of the current season. The episode opens with a conversation between two girls on a porch and then Lolita, I mean Amara, shows up and soulgorges on student athlete number two. Older, still Lolita age, Amara goes back to Crowley’s…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.03, “The Bad Seed” aka an Angel and a Demon Walk into a Bar…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.03, “The Bad Seed” aka an Angel and a Demon Walk into a Bar…

Umm… yeah.  Okay, let’s do this.  Allow me to start this review with a rant against the very thing that I think is sinking network television.  Our time as TV watchers is very limited.  More and more shows are out there competing for attention, not to mention the vast network of social media that causes…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 11.03 “The Bad Seed”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 11.03 “The Bad Seed”

Tonight’s episode, written by Eugenie Ross-Leming and Brad Buckner and directed by Jensen Ackles,begins with Rowena naming her new coven as “Mega Coven” with some witches. In a Macbeth nod we have a double, double, toil and trouble trio and they tell her that Crowley is not dead, as she claims. After they Mean Girl…

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look: Supernatural 11.02 “Form and Void”

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look: Supernatural 11.02 “Form and Void”

Symbolism can make a story’s rich tapestry all the more fulfilling and illuminating. It can add layers and depth revealing fresh insights. It can come in dialog, in music, and in visual cues. “Form and Void” makes use of all of these to tell its story—but most of all it uses Catholic symbolism to convey…