Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.21 “All In the Family”

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.21 “All In the Family”

“Don’t count on God. Okay? Count on us.” “God helps those who help themselves.” These two quotes have been key to Supernatural’s season 11, and they play a major role in the episode “All In the Family.” The Winchesters are finally confronted with God under the guise of Chuck—and they have many questions and need…

Wednesday’s Watching Supernatural 11.21 “All in the Family”

Wednesday’s Watching Supernatural 11.21 “All in the Family”

WEDNESDAY’S WATCHING Supernatural 11.21 “All in the Family” Writers: Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming Director: Thomas Wright Director of Photography C.S.C: Serge Ladouceur Airdate: 11.05.2016 BY WEDNESDAY “Holy Crap!” Rowena and Sam sidelined! Metatron and Kevin banished! Sensing Nonsense? WHAT DID I WATCH? THE SCRIPT The script called for a chat with God and a…

Thoughts on Supernatural 11.18, “Hell’s Angel”

Thoughts on Supernatural 11.18, “Hell’s Angel”

Action and answers after weeks of speculation and wonder. Where is Amara? Can Lucifer really challenge Amara? Who is the lesser evil? All given an answer in one great episode, finally brining our two great villains together and revealing that, Hand of God juice or not, Lucifer is no true challenger to the Darkness.  Arabian…

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look: Supernatural 11.18 “Hell’s Angel”

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look: Supernatural 11.18 “Hell’s Angel”

Desperate situations can call for desperate actions. It can create strange alliances and bring together the most unlikely of people. Some of those situations can come with lofty goals. They can be to save someone. They can be to save the world. They can be to stop evil. And yet, in the end, it is…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.18 – “Hell’s Angel” aka Then Who the Hell is God’s Chosen?

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.18 – “Hell’s Angel” aka Then Who the Hell is God’s Chosen?

Mytharc episodes are hard.  Not just for the writers, but everyone, all the way down to the fan.  There’s a lot to juggle, like tying in new developments with what’s been done in the past.  The story must be moved forward in a way that pleases people, but still remains consistent with the 200 plus…

Let’s Discuss Roundtable: What do You Want to See in Supernatural Season 11?

Let’s Discuss Roundtable: What do You Want to See in Supernatural Season 11?

What do you want to see happen in S11? That question was asked of me and Alice in the TV Fanatic Roundtable for “Beyond the Mat”.  Before Supernatural begins the final sequence of eight  episodes that will hurdle us all toward whatever heart stopping, cliff-hanger disaster the Winchester brothers must endure this year, this question…

Wednesday’s Watching  Supernatural 11.10 “The Devil In the Details”

Wednesday’s Watching Supernatural 11.10 “The Devil In the Details”

WEDNESDAY’S WATCHING Supernatural 11.10 “The Devil in the Details” Writer: Andrew Dabb Director: Thomas J. Wright Director of Photography C.S.C: Serge Ladouceur Airdate: 20.01.2016 BY WEDNESDAY What did I watch? THE SCRIPT META VOICES IN MY HEAD The Angels, proving themselves to be dicks, cowardly send a small angel to investigate Amara’s smiting. STRAWFAN: AMBRIEL,…