Search Results for: heroes

Threads: Supernatural 15.18 “Despair”

Threads: Supernatural 15.18 “Despair”

The Morning After Stunned. Shell Shocked. Numb… and in awe. Those are all descriptors of how I’m feeling the morning after seeing Supernatural’s “Despair”.  It was a complex finale-level episode, written by Robert Berens and artistically directed by Richard Speight, Jr.  So much happened, it’s hard to sort through emotions to even begin to comprehend…

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 15.17, “Unity,” aka Smoke and Mirrors

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 15.17, “Unity,” aka Smoke and Mirrors

Wow…well…that’s a humdinger.  So much to take in.  The further I dug into this review, the more my head started to hurt!  But then I accepted that I should be thrilled that we all have something big to talk about.   The plots have been so superficial of late and this was anything but.  “Unity”…

Threads: Supernatural 15.16 “Drag Me Away (From You)”

Threads: Supernatural 15.16 “Drag Me Away (From You)”

The Morning After “Drag Me Away (From You)”, Meghan Fitzmartin’s debut solo Supernatural script, was a classic monster of the week hunt. She acknowledged it as such (“Going back to the CLASSICS”) during her live tweet of both the East and West coast air times. It was fun to watch her share her excitement and…

Deb’s Top 10 – The Good, the Bad & the Random Supernatural 15.14

Deb’s Top 10 – The Good, the Bad & the Random Supernatural 15.14

Editor’s Note: Deb has agreed to once again share her recap reviews of the good, the bad and the random of each episode! Enjoy!   This is how this works: I will give my TOP 5 choices for the Good and The Bad of each season 15 episode that has aired thus far, PLUS a random…