Search Results for: heroes

The WFB Supernatural Season 15 Editor’s Choice Awards

The WFB Supernatural Season 15 Editor’s Choice Awards

I’ll be honest, “Carry On” would probably take a good chunk of these awards if I let it.  In compiling these awards, I took the mentality that if there was another acceptable alternative to “Carry On” I would use it.  As you’ll notice though, there were a few where it was impossible to not choose…

The WFB Supernatural Season 15 Fan Choice Awards – The Results!

The WFB Supernatural Season 15 Fan Choice Awards – The Results!

Finally, the results are here!  It would figure that with the 2020 vote things would go so awry that the vote would have to be done twice.  We’ve never had a problem with the vote until now.  After all, “Supernatural” season 15 was unexpectedly delayed, so why not the vote too?   It’s just been…

What are you Feeling Now that Supernatural is Over?

What are you Feeling Now that Supernatural is Over?

It is now three weeks since the Supernatural series finale “Carry On” aired. If you read my “Threads” review of the finale, you know that I think it is a masterpiece of artistic narration. Everyone involved with its creation deserves to be immensely proud of their heartfelt gift to the SPNFamily. Predictably, with so much…

Alice’s Review Part 2: “Supernatural” 15.20, “Carry On” aka Why This Was the Best Possible Ending

Alice’s Review Part 2: “Supernatural” 15.20, “Carry On” aka Why This Was the Best Possible Ending

I know, I hear a lot of you, why did it have to be this ending?  There are many reasons and the blueprint has been there for years.  After everything, this finale was really the best way to tie to whole story together and be true to the show’s canon.  This episode was not going…

Threads: Supernatural Finale 15.20 “Carry On”

The Morning After That’s the last time I’ll write those words about Supernatural. The Morning After. The morning after a new episode of Supernatural has aired. The morning when I try to capture my first impressions and the emotional impact an episode inspired before there’s time to logically analyze and explain, or emotionally process and…

Alice’s Review:  “Supernatural” 15.19, “Inherit the Earth”

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 15.19, “Inherit the Earth”

I’ve been doing these reviews for a while.  I’ve written these as a fan girl in fit of excitement, nervous wreck, sobbing mess, livid ranting lunatic, bored out of my wit and the too often feeling of “meh”.  So yeah, how do I categorize this one?  The penultimate episode where low expectations were barely met…