Search Results for: heroes

Mini Review – Wendigo

Mini Review – Wendigo

As far as episodes go, “Wendigo” for any other show out there today would end up being a mediocre effort. When compared to the 92 episodes that have aired for Supernatural so far though, it actually sucks. Not really bad, but bad enough where it makes the “What was Kripke thinking” files. The first clue that the monster…

Twas The Night

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land The apocalypse looms ever closer at hand.   As stockings are hung by the chimney with care,             Two brothers have a war for which prepare   While vision of sugar plums dance in our head, The brothers have numerous visions of dread.   Christmas’ filled…

Interview with Supernatural Executive Producer Sera Gamble

This is the part where I still get to feel like the luckiest person alive. Sera Gamble, Executive Producer for Supernatural, was again kind enough to answer some burning questions that surfaced during the first half of this apocalyptic fifth season. Considering the lengthy list I sent her, which included a lot of my own tough questions…

One Night Stands

You know, there are advantages to a Hellatus.  This is the time where we can kick back a little and do some fun stuff.  While I’m still feverishly trying to catch up with my TWO missing recaps, I thought that this great list that Randal sent me would be an ideal way to kick start some of that fun.  He has…

Recap – “The Curious Case of Dean Winchester”

Recap – “The Curious Case of Dean Winchester”

Ah, the polarizing stand alone episode. You know, going through this one in detail, I did come up with some nitpicks I hadn’t noticed before. I still loved it though. So let’s get started. First, there’s no “Now” segment, which instantly tells us this episode runs long. I have no objections whatsoever. The past couple…

Faellie’s Recap – “Free To Be You and Me”

Faellie was kind enough to let me share her recap and opinions of “Free To Be You And Me” from her livejournal site,  If you would like to share this recap, please link to this site or Faellie’s livejournal.  Thanks so much Faellie for another unique viewpoint!  Happy reading everyone ————————————— Eat It Twilight Then:…