Search Results for: heroes

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview – “Supernatural” 8.08 “Hunteri Heroici”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview – “Supernatural” 8.08 “Hunteri Heroici”

Phew. That week hiatus was nasty…and we’re screaming towards the 5-times as nasty, 5-week hiatus. Just 2 episodes until the break. A-wah! But before we start hyperventilating at the thought of over a month without a new episode of “Supernatural”, let’s preview this week!



Hi! I’m Nightsky! I’m the Managing Editor, Social Media Manager (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), Live Tweet Moderator, reviewer and feature writer for The Winchester Family Business! I am also a member of TV Fanatic’s weekly roundtable review of Supernatural.Before joining the Supernatural Family, I worked for 22 years at a global consulting firm, first as a management consultant, then later as the…

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part I – Indoctrination

The Journey to Becoming a Card-Carrying Supernatural Fan Part I – Indoctrination

Intro from Alice:   I do love sharing these fan stories when I get them.  I remember when I shared my own story, just when I started blogging for Supernatural back in 2008, I only found the show at the beginning of season three.  I’m stunned how new fans are finding it today, often times…

Robin’s Ramblings – “Supernatural” 8.04 “Bitten”

Robin’s Ramblings – “Supernatural” 8.04 “Bitten”

BITTEN Season 8 Episode 4 Robin’s Ramblings by Robin Vogel Sam and Dean enter an off college campus house covered with blood, strewn with dead bodies. “”What’s The Matter” by Milo Green is playing in the background. Dean stops the music, checks upstairs and reports back downstairs to Sam that the rest of the place…

Robin’s Rambles – Supernatural 8.02, “What’s Up Tiger Mommy?”

Robin’s Rambles – Supernatural 8.02, “What’s Up Tiger Mommy?”

What’s Up, Tiger Mommy? Season 8, Episode 2 Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel Now – Chicago, IL – A Mr. Villi comes to open safety deposit box #1, to the teller’s surprise. They did a renovation of the bank, so they put his inside a new one, she says, revealing an ancient box with a…

Thoughts on Supernatural 8.01: “We Need to Talk About Kevin”

Thoughts on Supernatural 8.01: “We Need to Talk About Kevin”

Holy crow, batman! Season eight?! One minute your heart is stopping watching the ill-omened glowing eyes of purgatory before the closing card flashes on the screen and the next thing you know there is a great Road So Far recap and a brand new title card is giving you chills. This episode also marked the…

Season 8 Countdown: Jeremy Carver Episode Reviews, “Point of No Return”

“PointofNoReturn” is very, very special to me.  As a classic brotherly angst, “good guys struggle against bad” episode, this is the gold standard.  It doesn’t get any better than this, and this is from a series loaded with these themes up until now.   A big deal was done over this episode since it was the…

Preview – Supernatural Season 8 – Episode 1 “We Need To Talk About Kevin”

Preview – Supernatural Season 8 – Episode 1 “We Need To Talk About Kevin”

With only days to go, just DAYS, it’s time to preview the first episode of the new season. This year, our previews are staying spoiler free, as much as a preview can, so I won’t be going into all the ins and outs of the season arc, as revealed by the cast and creative team…

What Are Your Hidden Gem Supernatural Episodes?

What Are Your Hidden Gem Supernatural Episodes?

Hidden gems, unsung heroes, underrated favorites.  We all have them.  Personal favorite Supernatural episodes that never make the best or buzzworthy lists, but in their obscurity mean something to you.  I have more of these episodes on my list than can be reasonably shared, so I wondered ““ if I could pick just one from each season,…