Search Results for: heroes

Supernatural 8.14 – Trial And Error:  This Is My Perfect Ending

Supernatural 8.14 – Trial And Error: This Is My Perfect Ending

8.14 Trial And Error: This Is My Perfect Ending God’s obstacle course: Three deadly trials prepare one To slam shut Hell’s gates.     Commentary And Meta Analysis   This episode clearly set the stage for the rest of the season, and perhaps longer. I particularly loved the honesty we got from both of the…

Alice’s Review – “Supernatural” 8.13, “Everybody Hates Hitler”

Alice’s Review – “Supernatural” 8.13, “Everybody Hates Hitler”

OMG, OMG, OMG, was that…character development?  Am I actually feeling…warm fuzzies?  Did Sam and Dean actually have something good happen to them?  My Chuck, what just happened here and why am I so flipping happy?     I keep digging back long and hard, trying to remember when at the end of a “Supernatural” episode I…

Supernatural 8.11 – LARP And The Real Girl:  Escaping Isn’t What It Used To Be

Supernatural 8.11 – LARP And The Real Girl: Escaping Isn’t What It Used To Be

8.11 LARP And The Real Girl: Escaping Isn’t What It Used To Be   Frustrated LARPer Binds fairy to kill rivals: Brave hearts win the day.   Commentary and Meta Analysis   I thoroughly enjoyed this episode! I don’t have a lot to say about it meta-wise, and being a standalone villain hunt, it didn’t…

Far Away Eyes’ Review – Supernatural 8.11 – “LARP and the Real Girl”

Far Away Eyes’ Review – Supernatural 8.11 – “LARP and the Real Girl”

Mages, orcs, elves, and queens populate Moondoor—but what it really needs is a hero. Supernatural has always dealt with the reluctant hero. Each brother has begrudgingly accepted this mantle at one time or another. Every hunter is really a reluctant hero. There are really only two options: run from it or embrace it. That hero…

Bardicvoice’s Take, “Supernatural” 8.10 – “Torn And Frayed”:  I Can’t Enjoy A World I Need To Save

Bardicvoice’s Take, “Supernatural” 8.10 – “Torn And Frayed”: I Can’t Enjoy A World I Need To Save

8.10 Torn And Frayed: I Can’t Enjoy A World I Need To Save   Who controls angels? Crowley and Naomi both Tamper with base code.   Commentary And Meta Analysis      Torn and frayed pretty well described all of our heroes by the end of this episode. But despite being torn and frayed, a…

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.11 “LARP and the Real Girl”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.11 “LARP and the Real Girl”

After last week, we probably all need a bit of a laugh…or a hug…or a little lie down. So though this week’s episode will probably not progress the central storylines of the season, it will, more than likely, make us laugh out loud…and I for one could do with a great big Winchester induced guffaw…

Supernatural University: Being Your Brother’s Keeper

We know season eight is exploring issues of perception. Even if we didn’t have the interview words of showrunner Jeremy Carver pointing that out, we’d have known it from what we’ve seen thus far of the conflict between the brothers, particularly given its basis in their differing experiences and views of those experiences from their…

Ramblings On…Supernatural Episode 8×10: “Torn and Frayed”

Ramblings On…Supernatural Episode 8×10: “Torn and Frayed”

Sunday the 13th was Kim Manner’s birthday.  Even though he passed away back in 2009, I can’t help but wonder when I watch a scene what Kim would have done with it.  On Saturday the 12th, really with not much prior plannning, a few of us decided to watch a few episodes in honor of…

The WFB Admins’ Top 15 “Supernatural” Episodes List: #15

The end of the year is a wonderful time for reflection, time to take stock and look back at everything that’s come before us in the previous year and years before.  “Supernatural” is on its winter hiatus, and with no new episodes to occupy our time, the year-end reflection becomes a reflection on “Supernatural” and…

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.09 – “Citizen Fang”

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.09 – “Citizen Fang”

Hi! How are we all feeling? A little fragile? This hiatus is going to be harsh, Stupid CW changing their return date. You know, I’m at work while most of you watch the show and this week my twitter was going nutso! I get alerts when someone tweets me and I kept getting “Oh Amy,…