Search Results for: heroes

Nate Winchester’s Remix of Supernatural 9.15 – “#THINMAN”

Nate Winchester’s Remix of Supernatural 9.15 – “#THINMAN”

Confession time loyal reader: I had been studying the transcript of this episode provided by the always awesome Supernatural wiki when I uncovered a terrible, earth-shattering secret! It’s not obvious but through complicated and mystical techniques, I was able to unearth these deleted scenes from the episode, with some parts from the transcript left in…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.14 – “Captives”

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.14 – “Captives”

The theme is simple enough, “captives.”  There are plenty of those in “Supernatural.”   The angels are captives on earth.  Kevin is a captive in the veil.  Mrs. Tran is a captive of Crowley.  Castiel is a captive of Bartholomew and his treachery.  Sam and Dean are captives of a fractured relationship, as well as their…

Gerry’s Supernatural Review: “First Born” – Changing Perspectives

Gerry’s Supernatural Review: “First Born” – Changing Perspectives

“First Born” is a powerhouse of an episode, showing off Robbie Thompson’s narrative skills and fuelled by compelling performances from both the regular and guest cast. Not only does the episode tell its own story beautifully, it weaves together strands from previous seasons to illustrate the overall arc for this one. Free will is the…

Supernatural Review 9.10, “Road Trip” – Healing Journeys

Supernatural Review 9.10, “Road Trip” – Healing Journeys

Healing Journeys Thank you, Andrew Dabb, for giving me such an amazing episode for my first review on this site. “Road Trip” has it all—excellent writing, excellent performances, and excellent personal and mythological arc development. I have enjoyed season nine so far, but I had a few niggling doubts about the exploration of the brothers’…

Notes in the Margin: Supernatural Novel “Carved in Flesh”

Notes in the Margin: Supernatural Novel “Carved in Flesh”

Carved in Flesh is the twelfth companion book written for the Supernatural TV series. Released in April of 2013, it was written by Tim Waggoner, who also wrote Supernatural, the Television Series: The Roads Not Taken (Oct 2013) and a companion book for another popular science fiction genre show, Stargate SG-1. Mr. Waggoner teaches a…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.09- “Holy Terror”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.09- “Holy Terror”

The Garden of Eden has played a beautiful backdrop to the season storylines—and in “Holy Terror,” we realize that it has been the epicenter for which all the stories revolve around elegantly. The Garden and the Fall have been laced throughout the episodes leading up to this one in very particular ways. Supernatural wisely uses…

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.09 – “Holy Terror”

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.09 – “Holy Terror”

Nope, we’re not talking about Frank Miller’s comic story here. You know, I remember a time when I looked forward to Castiel’s appearances and furthering of the season arcs… Ok ok, to shake things up, I’m going to get all my complaining in FIRST, then end with everything positive I liked about this episode. …There’s…