Search Results for: heroes

Threads: Supernatural 10.09 “The Things We Left Behind”

Threads: Supernatural 10.09 “The Things We Left Behind”

Reading the reactions to “The Things We Left Behind” has been very interesting. Alice very eloquently presented the reasons why the show completely failed, not only as a mid-season finale, but even as a filler episode in this series. I couldn’t disagree with a single argument she made, yet I also understand the viewpoints of…

What are our Expectations of Supernatural’s Season 10?

What are our Expectations of Supernatural’s Season 10?

Expectations. Once again, the network baited the Supernatural audience with previews that raised expectations for a spectacularly intense cliffhanger. The promotional and the sneak peek trailers showed two scenes, one that teased the aftermath of a Mark of Cain bloodbath and a second of a touching heart-to-heart talk between Cas and Dean about the MoC….

The WFB Short Attention Span Theater Presents – Happy Thanksgiving Cass

The WFB Short Attention Span Theater Presents – Happy Thanksgiving Cass

(Admin note:  In honor of this Thanksgiving Day here in the US, we are reposting a special holiday WFB Short Attention Span Theater from two years ago.  Have a very special day!) All of us at the Winchester Family Business wish that everyone out there have very Happy Thanksgiving.   And now your present.  A…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.6 “Ask Jeeves”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.6 “Ask Jeeves”

Colonel Mustard. With the lead pipe. In the Conservatory. Miss Scarlett. With the candlestick. In the library. Murder mysteries are always filled with secrets and misdirections that leave the audience guessing on the real identity of the killer. “Ask Jeeves” used the Clue theme as the perfect set up for the monster of the week….

What is it Like To Go To a Supernatural Convention?

What is it Like To Go To a Supernatural Convention?

Going to a Supernatural convention is a privilege and a joy beyond measure. It is, however, a treat that many fans know they will never be able to enjoy. Thousands of people attend conventions, but that is a relatively small number compared to the millions of people in the Supernatural worldwide fandom. Conventions are an…

Supernatural Hiatus Hunting: 5:10 – Abandon All Hope

Grab your guns, get your whiskey and be prepared for the emotional onslaught, because this week, Hiatus Hunting is going to look back at one of those Supernatural episodes that, while not only being incredible, it also reaches into your heart and crushes it until you’re a bumbling mess of tears. That’s right – join…

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.22 “Stairway to Heaven”

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.22 “Stairway to Heaven”

I love Supernatural. Let me start out by stating that for the record. I also generally liked season 9. In my opinion it added several very good episodes to what was already an outstanding series. I have been interested in the plot lines – all the plot lines – this season. The casting, acting, directing…

Let’s Discuss: Sam and Dean in Supernatural Season 10 – Compelling or Controversial?

Warning:  This article contains spoilers that came out of recent interviews from San Diego Comic-Con. As Supernatural Season 9 fades farther into the distance of our minds, Season 10 is coming ever closer, and with it, new storylines for the brothers (and Crowley and Castiel, of course).  I’m one of the fans who was critical…

Supernatural VanCon Friday: Let’s Get This Party Started!

Supernatural VanCon Friday: Let’s Get This Party Started!

VanCon. I’ve always wanted to go to this convention above all others (yes, even more than Jus In Bello in Rome!) because it affords the opportunity to interact with Supernatural’s production staff.  In years past, I sat at home enviously reading attendees’ live tweets about actors’ panels and photo ops with Jared, Jensen, Misha or…