Search Results for: heroes

Supernatural SDCC Panel Announced – WB Bringing 21 Shows in Total

Here it is, the grand announcement!  WB just put out the release that it’s bringing 21 shows to San Diego Comic Con this year, including our most treasured Supernatural.  The show again will have an hour long panel in Hall H on Sunday, July 25th.  Here is the SPN portion of the press release:

Threads: Supernatural Season 11 Summary and Retrospective

Threads: Supernatural Season 11 Summary and Retrospective

As Supernatural fans already know, Supernatural is a complex drama, built over years upon a foundation of mythology and recurring themes. Its dialog is intricate, often layered with thematic threads, double meanings and foreshadowing.  The “Threads” review series closely examines these subtlties, to both more thoroughly appreciate the detail of the plots and to attempt…

The Morning After Supernatural’s Season 11 Finale “Alpha and Omega”

The Morning After Supernatural’s Season 11 Finale “Alpha and Omega”

Like many of you, I typically have a very emotional reaction to Supernatural’s season finales. I’m left reeling from the dramatic cliff-hanger drama that is designed to break fans’ hearts, hurting for Sam, Dean, Castiel, or all three at once. Add to that the morning-after let down, when the excitement is over, the adrenaline is…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.22, “We Happy Few” aka My Worst Fears Come True

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.22, “We Happy Few” aka My Worst Fears Come True

Back in the summer of 2010 I remember a long conversation I had with a fan at an SPN convention two months after “Swan Song” aired.  For those that weren’t deep into the fandom at the time, that was a very polarizing episode.  While I gave it a glowing review and called it one of…

Threads: Supernatural 11.22 “We Happy Few”

I’ll be honest with you. I’ve been contemplating three completely different approaches to my review of Supernatural’s 11th season pre-finale episode, “We Happy Few”. The obvious choice is to impartially analyze the dialog and plot because there were several important revelations in this episode. I’d like to do those justice, so I’ll get to those…

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.20 “Don’t Call Me Shurley”

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.20 “Don’t Call Me Shurley”

Every hero is defined by their villain as Metatron reminds God in “Don’t Call Me Shurley.” In many regards, it’s easy to see that God is the hero of his story. He is the one that created everything. He is the one that set everything in motion. It is his unfettered creation that has spanned…

Threads: Supernatural 11.20 “Don’t Call Me Shurley”

Threads: Supernatural 11.20 “Don’t Call Me Shurley”

There is so much about “Don’t Call Me Shurley” that I want to discuss. Emotion. Supernatural legacy. Acting. Beloved Characters. Shock. Meta. Storyline. I am overwhelmed. That by itself speaks to the quality and intensity of the script and delivery of this episode. This may turn out to be the longest reflection I have ever…