Search Results for: heroes

TV Guide: Dean Winchester #8 on TV’s Greatest Action Heroes List

This is some pretty exciting news.  TV Guide did a list of TV’s Greatest Actions Heroes, of all time, and Dean Winchester has earned a #8 spot of that list!  You should see some of the names on this list.  He’s in some pretty remarkable company.  He’s only two spots under “The Six Million Dollar…

Comic Con Kicks Off With A Pair of Supernatural Superheroes!

Comic Con Kicks Off With A Pair of Supernatural Superheroes!

It’s a bird…it’s a plane…it’s a moose and squirrel…No, it’s two hot demon hunters in capes! San Diego Comic Con kicked off this evening and the Warner Brothers Comic Con bags were made available to attendees.  Seems like Jared and Jensen got theirs!  Here’s all the details, courtesy of Warner Brothers:  

Who Are Your Heroes?

Who are your heroes? The answer to that question depends on your definition of a hero. In the Supernatural world the answer is obvious.  It is Sam and Dean.  After all,  their family motto begins with “Saving People” and they mean that quite literally. Together they have saved countless individuals from nightmares beyond anyone’s belief. …

Knights in Modern Armour: Supernatural’s Chivalrous Heroes

Knights in Modern Armour: Supernatural’s Chivalrous Heroes

Knights in Modern Armour Supernatural’s Chivalrous Heroes     When I look at our beloved show, there are many things I see There is, of course, heartbreak, gruesome adventure, love, idealism, loyalty and, in a modern way, chivalry. I love history, and, naturally, I love to dig into these topics ‘A true knight is fuller…

The Boys Episode 4.04 Review, “Wisdom of the Ages” aka A Bit Too Much

The Boys Episode 4.04 Review, “Wisdom of the Ages” aka A Bit Too Much

Anyone remember the time that we got to watch Soldier Boy sing “Rapture” on a perfectly recreated Solid Gold episode?  Do you remember laughing your ass off over that, especially those of us old enough to remember Solid Gold?  Yeah, good times.  What happened to those?   Oh man, what a…downer.  “Wisdom of the Ages,”…

The Boys Episode 4.02 Recap and Review:  WTH Did I Just Watch?

The Boys Episode 4.02 Recap and Review: WTH Did I Just Watch?

Ah, episode two.  You know, this is the one where the season premiere lulled us into a false sense of security.  Bring out the depravity!  Oh, but there is so much more.  It’s another packed hour that has us going, “What the Hell did I just watch?” Why not start the episode with some spectacular…