Search Results for: random acts

Updated: RearView Review: Supernatural 10.23 “Brother’s Keeper”

Updated: RearView Review: Supernatural 10.23 “Brother’s Keeper”

  “BROTHER’S KEEPER” 10.23 Writer: Jeremy Carver Director: Phil Sgriccia Air Date: May 20, 2015 BY WEDNESDAY THEME What would you be willing to sacrifice in order to attain your desires? Would you sacrifice someone you Loved for Freedom and Power? Would you sacrifice your morals to save someone you loved? Would you sacrifice someone…

The WFB Supernatural Season Ten Editor’s Choice Awards, Part One

The WFB Supernatural Season Ten Editor’s Choice Awards, Part One

Supernatural fans, you had your chance to be heard, now it’s my turn! What sort of award categories did this highly opinionated redhead come up with this year? As usual, an entertaining mix of the good, bad, and completely shallow! Here is part one of the WFB Editor’s Choice Awards for Season Ten in no…

RearView Review: Supernatural 10.10 “The Hunter Games”

RearView Review: Supernatural 10.10 “The Hunter Games”

“THE HUNTER GAMES” Season 10, Episode 10 Writers: Eugenie Ross-Leming Brad Buckner Director:John Badham Airdate: January 20, 2015 BY WEDNESDAY THEME If you can’t trust your family, who can you trust? There’s a little monster in all of us. PLOT AND CHARACTERS “The Road So Far” was a phenomenal montage of Season 10 set to…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.23, “Brother’s Keeper” aka Sam and Dean Broke the World Again?

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.23, “Brother’s Keeper” aka Sam and Dean Broke the World Again?

Sam, Dean, what did you do? Did you go and break the world again? I gotta say, if “Brother’s Keeper” did one thing (and trust me, it did many things), it gave us enough possibilities to keep us all happily speculating and theorizing for the next five months (yes, October is that far away). Far…

Supernatural S6 & S7: The Gamble Years – Part 3: Season 7

Supernatural S6 & S7: The Gamble Years – Part 3: Season 7

Well another midseason hiatus is upon us so now I get to resume this retrospective that got pushed back last hiatus for… reasons. For those that need a refresher: Part 1 of this series. Part 2. I noted in part 2 that S6 really did function far better as a viewing experience binging on DVD/streaming/whatever…