Search Results for: Novel

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.16, “Paint it Black” aka Does the Show Believe in Us?

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.16, “Paint it Black” aka Does the Show Believe in Us?

I just don’t know what to say.  There are a few approaches I could have taken for this review.  I could have ranted about how an utter travesty like “Paint It Black” ever made it to air, I could have calmly tried to break down the material we were given and analyze where it all…

Supernatural S6 & S7: The Gamble Years – Part 3: Season 7

Supernatural S6 & S7: The Gamble Years – Part 3: Season 7

Well another midseason hiatus is upon us so now I get to resume this retrospective that got pushed back last hiatus for… reasons. For those that need a refresher: Part 1 of this series. Part 2. I noted in part 2 that S6 really did function far better as a viewing experience binging on DVD/streaming/whatever…

Christmas Movies the Supernatural Way

SUPERNATURAL’S  CHRISTMAS MOVIES While looking at the cover of one of my favourite Christmas DVD’s (White Christmas), I realized that it would have been a perfect title for Supernatural’s Christmas episode. I then started thinking of other Christmas movies that could have been promoted with scenes from Supernatural. So I started playing around with movie…

Have A Very Supernatural Family Christmas With Jason Manns and His Friends: A CD Review

Have A Very Supernatural Family Christmas With Jason Manns and His Friends: A CD Review

  Just in time for Christmas, Jason Manns released a new CD: Christmas with Friends. It’s aptly named—and fortunate for us, most of his friends are very familiar to the Supernatural Family. There’s appearances from Richard Speight Jr., Julie McNiven, Rob Benedict, Misha Collins, and of course both Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. It’s an…

Connecting with the Audience in Season 10: A Plea to the Supernatural Writers

Connecting with the Audience in Season 10: A Plea to the Supernatural Writers

When we sit down to watch an episode of Supernatural, we do it with the same expectations that we have whenever we view a TV show (or read a book, or go to a movie, for that matter).  We expect to be entertained.  But beyond that, and perhaps more accurately, we want to feel something….

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.04 “Slumber Party”

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.04 “Slumber Party”

I hatched the idea of the WFB team watching Supernatural’s season 9 reruns because the premier episode “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here” was laden with hidden implications that could only be understood after knowing the outcomes of the various storylines.  The theory was that the Supernatural writers might have introduced key motivational themes…

Supernatural University:  Meta Fiction – You Decide

Supernatural University: Meta Fiction – You Decide

I loved all the aspects of Meta Fiction, including the meta ones. Robbie Thompson’s script was a profound brain teaser; Jensen Ackles’ depiction of Dean’s struggle with the effects of the Mark of Cain was masterfully subtle; Jared Padalecki brought Sam’s worry over his brother and his rage at Gadreel and Metatron into his every…