The Winchester Family Business Site Rules – Updated

Recently, I had to shut down the site because of horrible, negative, disrespectful fighting in our comment section that went against everything we stand for here at the Winchester Family Business.    I will remind, we have always had a set of rules in place, and these rules were blantanly violated.  I will make the…

Inspiration and Unity: The Power in “Family Don’t End With Blood”

Inspiration and Unity: The Power in “Family Don’t End With Blood”

Inspiration and Unity: The Power in Family Don’t End With Blood Love can be hard to verbalize. It goes beyond simply the four-letter word or a moment in time. It is an enduring experience that moves us and impacts our world view in ways we never knew possible but can’t possibly imagine changing once we…

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 12.14 “The Raid”

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 12.14 “The Raid”

Welcome back to the “Memorable Moments” series! For Supernatural 12.14, “The Raid”, I once again put together a list of what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from the episode. The list varies from episode to episode depending on what transpired.  I hope you enjoy it and share what your picks would be!

Living in the Moment: Experiencing the Spectacular Supernatural #SDCC17 Panel

Living in the Moment: Experiencing the Spectacular Supernatural #SDCC17 Panel

This was my first year covering San Diego Comic-Con solo. It was only the second time I had ever been to #SDCC (a hashtag my hands have become accustomed to typing just as much as they type #Supernatural). Alice had a schedule conflict this year so I was left to navigate tickets and passes, emails…

Mallena’s Supernatural Musings:  7.21 “Reading is Fundamental”

Mallena’s Supernatural Musings: 7.21 “Reading is Fundamental”

I’ve been going back and forth on which episode to review and it’s been a tough decision.  I’m super busy right now, as is everyone, so I didn’t want to do something too involved, deep, or extremely beloved.  Instead, I was inspired by the news that Hulu is now streaming Osric Chau in Dirk Gently’s…