Supernatural Episode 9.01 – Promo Pictures and Official Synopsis

Oh boy, we must be getting closer!  The CW has released both the official synopsis and promo photos for episode 9.01 (or 9.02 by production’s numbering), “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here.”  It’s going to be a gut wrenching doozy from what I can tell.  Well after all, last season’s finale did end with…

Top Sam Winchester Gruesome Injuries

Top Sam Winchester Gruesome Injuries

Over eight seasons, both Winchesters seems to have suffered some rather bizarre, and totally gruesome injuries to say the least.  We aren’t talking about mere bruises on the knee!  Sure, they’ve also suffered some terrible misfortunes, but today’s list doesn’t care about those.  We’re talking about the injuries, little or major, that make us wince…

You MUST See This! MTV Geek: Supernatural By The Numbers

I usually reserve sharing links for fan articles to our Twitter and Facebook, but this is just WAY too good not to share.  Some very awesome fan on Tumblr compiled a whole bunch of fun facts about Supernatural through it’s 8 seasons.  It’s described this way: Tumblr user writingspeaks compiled a series of charts of repeating themes,…

The Supernatural S9 Premiere Promo…GAH!!!!!

It’s been released!  It’s here!  The twenty second Supernatural S9 premiere promo.  I only have one word…GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, maybe that’s an incoherent sylllable.  I’m just jumping around the room going, OMG! OMG! OMG!  Why is Death greeting Sam?  Do the Winchesters get personal service from the big guy now?  Why is Tahmoh Penikett touching both…

Let’s Talk About (and Celebrate) Kevin, Charlie, and Garth: The New Supporting World of Supernatural

Let’s Talk About (and Celebrate) Kevin, Charlie, and Garth: The New Supporting World of Supernatural

Supporting characters on Supernatural are often welcomed with skepticism. Part of that attitude is ingrained in viewers because we have learned that attaching to a character can lead to heartbreak.  The show does not shy away from killing characters and even if it brings them back, such as in the case with Bobby or Rufus,…