TV Fanatic: Supernatural 8.05 Roundtable – “Blood Brother”

It’s that time of week!  Find out what Carla Day, Carissa Pavlica, Sean Mc Kenna, and Alice Jester (of the Winchester Family Business) had to say about Supernatural episode 8.05, “Blood Brother.”  I’m especially intruigued over the question “Do you think at some point Dean might have to choose between Sam and Benny?”

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 8.05, “Blood Brother”

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 8.05, “Blood Brother”

BLOOD BROTHER Episode 5, Season 8 Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel   A man walks suspiciously along the docks, and is greeted by Benny.  “Hello Quentin.”  Quentin is shocked, unable to believe Benny is alive.  “I get the confusion.  You of all people knew I was truly, truly dead.  After all you held down my…

Let’s Discuss: What’s Happening To Sam Winchester?

Welcome to our newest experiment, the Let’s Discuss threads!  The idea is to focus the discussions and topics out there and let burning subjects that are on people’s minds to have their own dedicated place.   I’ve been reading all of the comments out there.  There are some very frustrated Sam fans out there.  As…


When the Winchester Family Business was first founded back in 2009, our mission was to create an environment where open discussion was allowed, but it would be a safe  haven for all that wanted to post.  At the time, season four, the fan environment was a little different.  There wasn’t as much fan division, and…

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.05 – “Blood Brother”

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.05 – “Blood Brother”

I have a confession,I’m as much a fan of Ben Edlund as I am anyone else associated with this show. This is not to say I have pictures of him around my room, I don’t,but I’m not adverse to the idea. Would I like to meet him? Yes. Have a photo with him? Yes. Spend…

Sofia’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.05 “Blood Brothers”

Sofia’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.05 “Blood Brothers”

Oh man, am I ever riding a “Supernatural” high! I spent this last weekend at Chicon and was totally immersed in all things “Supernatural”. Hopefully it didn’t have an effect on my perception of this episode because I loved it. (Don’t mind me while I bury the lede.) I think Ben Edlund is a genius…

8.03 “Heartache”:  This Last Year Has Given Me A Whole New Perspective

8.03 “Heartache”: This Last Year Has Given Me A Whole New Perspective

Supernatural has often drawn parallels between monsters, their victims, and the Winchester brothers, and I’ve always enjoyed episodes where the case of the week played directly into the psychology of the brothers. I thought this episode accomplished that goal with subtlety, avoiding anvil-dropping. And while the clues to Sam’s solo year are coming with agonizing…