The Supernatural Season 7 Enigma of Sam Winchester’s Hair

The Supernatural Season 7 Enigma of Sam Winchester’s Hair

I have a treat for you this year.  This season’s “The Engima of Sam Winchester’s Hair” is in slideshow format!  80 plus slides of nothing put hair mocking goodness.  I’m gonna warn, it might be dangerous to watch this at work.  Unless your co-workers have heard you laugh out loud a lot over silly things…

Sweetondean’s “Supernatural” Flashback: Surviving the Hiatus One Season At A Time, Season 1

Sweetondean’s “Supernatural” Flashback: Surviving the Hiatus One Season At A Time, Season 1

Preamble:   So is it October yet? No? Damn.   Every looooooooong hiatus I do my annual (sometimes biannual) series rewatch. Usually I rewatch the current season first and then go back to the Pilot and start watching the series from the beginning. Weirdly, for some reason this hiatus I’m finding myself rewatching the series…