Bardic’s Descant: 7.03 The Girl Next Door:  Nothing In Our Lives Is Simple

Bardic’s Descant: 7.03 The Girl Next Door: Nothing In Our Lives Is Simple

Commentary and Meta Analysis I’m suspecting I liked this episode more than a lot of people did. I wasn’t happy to see the brothers still so out of synch, with Sam bringing Dean cake instead of pie and deliberately sneaking out on him and Dean unable to trust Sam, lying to him, and killing a…

Supernatural Preview: Episode 7.04 – “Defending Your Life”

Supernatural Preview: Episode 7.04 – “Defending Your Life”

This week’s episode is another stand-alone MOTW who just happens to be an Egyptian god named Osiris (guest star Faran Tahir) who puts Dean on trial for his past. So who is Osiris, really?   Osiris is a mythological Supreme god and judge of the dead, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, and…

Spoiler Update – Oct 13th

– New preview for 7.04 Defending your Life. – The CW had released the official synopsis for 7.07, “The Mentalist”. Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) investigate the gruesome murders of resident mediums in Lily Dale, the most “psychic” town in America. They discover that an angry spirit is killing off the psychics…

Let’s Talk About Supernatural’s Ratings: Season 7 Edition

Once or twice a year, I go through how this crazy old ratings system works in the US.  Supernatural’s “soft” ratings lately have gotten a lot of people worried and I’ve been getting a lot of messages.  A few have even suggested dusting off the old “Save Our Show!” posters from the days when a…