Supernatural Fan Crazy Strikes Again!

I know the online saying. Those of us of rational mind say it all the time. â€œDon’t feed the trolls.” But sorry, sometimes, like with “Jensen vs Jared: I’m Going There” and “Sam Fans vs. Dean Fans, The Saga Continues”  I find the need to bring a little sanity into an insane situation. Lately, some fans have gone just…

Significant Mothers of Supernatural, Part One:  One-Hit Wonders

Significant Mothers of Supernatural, Part One: One-Hit Wonders

Significant Mothers of Supernatural, Part One: One-Hit Wonders   We survived again! Officially less than one week to go in this long, long hiatus. My goal during Hellatus was to contribute more than the one measly piece I did, but that clearly didn’t happen. The one thing everyone knows about me (and my family) is…

Preview Clips – “Sam Interrupted”

They’re here!  They’re here!  It’s been sooooo long, but new episode is around the corner.  How do I know? (other than the countdown clock telling me).  Preview clips!  Here are three preview clips for “Sam Interrupted.”  The first one has been out since this afternoon via The CW, the second two were just released by…

The Supernatural Hiatus Blues

Before I post tonight’s smile inducing entry from Karen, who shares her hiatus blues to rhyme in her own ingenius way (not to mention giving me a huge “Aw shucks” reaction), I wanted to make an official announcement.  Welcome Karen officially to The Winchester Family Business writing team!  Her poems have been so clever, heartwarming, touching, amusing, and…

Mini Review – “Skin”

Mini Review – “Skin”

Oh, this one’s a doozy. You’ve got to admit, when trying to pick memorable episodes, “Skin” comes to mind. Upon watching this again, I forgot how much I liked it. It’s not one I watch often. It’s just too gross. However, there are some big bonuses. First, this is one of the best music selections for an episode. Forget how cool “In-Gadda-Da-Vida”…