Interview with Supernatural Executive Producer Sera Gamble

This is the part where I still get to feel like the luckiest person alive. Sera Gamble, Executive Producer for Supernatural, was again kind enough to answer some burning questions that surfaced during the first half of this apocalyptic fifth season. Considering the lengthy list I sent her, which included a lot of my own tough questions…

Sam and Dean Winchester – Warriors of Light

Sam and Dean Winchester – Warriors of Light

The idea for this compilation came to me while I was sick. I was given Paul Coelho’s book ‘Warrior Of The Light’. Now, I’m not exactly a fan of his writing, though I liked ‘The Alchemist’. When reading his ‘warrior manual’ I sometimes felt reminded of our favourite show and its leading characters.   The…

Tactics and Strategies in the Supernatural World

Tactics and Strategies in the Supernatural World

I have another great one to share today (but hey, isn’t everything here great?  No, this one is really good, honest.  Faellie sent this to me a week and a half ago and I finally have the right occasion to share it.  Enjoy her indepth and well written analysis on the roles of tactics and strategies in Supernatural.  This…

One Night Stands

You know, there are advantages to a Hellatus.  This is the time where we can kick back a little and do some fun stuff.  While I’m still feverishly trying to catch up with my TWO missing recaps, I thought that this great list that Randal sent me would be an ideal way to kick start some of that fun.  He has…

Review: “Abandon All Hope…”

Well look who went and got motivated yesterday.  I had the chance to type up some thoughts and get it out to blogcritics pretty quickly.  It was just published this morning so you can find it here: Also, Maureen Ryan at the Chicago Tribune put out her review yesterday.  She calls it the best…