Entertainment Weekly: Ranking 199 Supernatural Episodes from Best to Worst!

This is clearly one of the more ambitious projects I’ve ever seen.  Even I haven’t been brave enough to try such a thing.  Samantha Highfill and a few of her colleagues at Entertainment Weekly have decided to actually rank all the Supernatural episodes!  The results were published this afternoon, and no doubt they’re going to…

TV Fanatic Supernatural Roundtable: Episode 10.04 – “Paper Moon”

TV Fanatic Supernatural Roundtable: Episode 10.04 – “Paper Moon”

Ever wonder what happens when a few Supernatural pundits get together and marvel over the brothers actually talking?  Well you get to find out!  Yes, it’s time again for the Supernatural Roundtable at TV Fanatic.  Myself and TV Fanatic staffers Carissa Pavlica, Narsimha Chintaluri and Sean McKenna take on brotherly chats, a so called vacation, werewolves,…

TV Fanatic Supernatural Roundtable: Episode 10.03 – “Soul Survivor”

TV Fanatic Supernatural Roundtable: Episode 10.03 – “Soul Survivor”

This week’s episode didn’t impress our panel as much as prior weeks.  We definitely saw the weaknesses in the story, but there were plusses too.  Myself and TV Fanatic’s Sean McKenna and Narsimha Chintaluri had plenty of opinions about “Soul Survivor.”   http://www.tvfanatic.com/2014/10/supernatural-round-table-sam-and-the-terrible-horrible-no-good-v/ Here’s Sean McKenna’s review for comparison.  He gave it a 4.4 out of…

TV Fanatic Supernatural Round Table: Reichenbach

TV Fanatic Supernatural Round Table: Reichenbach

I love the titles that TV Fanatic’s Sean McKenna comes up with at times.  His tagline for this week’s Round Table on “Reichenbach” is “No More Mr. Nice Dean.”  I’ll say so!  Anyway, we all had plenty to say about this mind blower.  About Castiel, Crowley, Sam, and what Demon Dean is really doing to…