TV Fanatic Supernatural Round Table: 12.11 – “Regarding Dean”

TV Fanatic Supernatural Round Table: 12.11 – “Regarding Dean”

What can you say about this episode that hasn’t already been said?  More of course, because you haven’t heard from the “Supernatural” pundits yets at TV Fanatic.   Myself, Nightsky, Christine Laskodi and Sean McKenna all enjoyed having a good episode to ponder the finer points.  After all, we had favorite scenes to gush over,…

TV Fanatic Supernatural Round Table: 12.10 – “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets”

TV Fanatic Supernatural Round Table: 12.10 – “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets”

This week, your friendly neighborhood “Supernatural” pundits over at TV Fanatic took on some new angel lore and a story of Castiel!  Were we happy?  Pretty much.  Are we excited about the possibilities this raises?  Well, I’m not sure excited is the right word.  More like skeptical, but there were some statements tinged with hope….