Welcome Mallena to The Winchester Family Business Team!

As your Winchester Family Business Editor-in-Chief, I have an exciting announcement to share.  Mallena, a long time commentor at The Winchester Family Business and writer of a set of recent “Supernatural” retro review articles, will be joining our WFB team as a regular staff writer!  She will be writing reviews for the upcoming “Supernatural” Season…

TV Fanatic Roundtable: Supernatural 12.22 – “Who Are We” and 12.23 “All Along The Watchtower”

TV Fanatic Roundtable: Supernatural 12.22 – “Who Are We” and 12.23 “All Along The Watchtower”

Oh yeah, we had a LOT to discuss!  This is a supersized TV Fanatic Roundtable this time, designed to tackle a lot of crap happening in just two short hours.  Myself, Nightsky, and Sean McKenna and Christine Laskodi of TV Fanatic took time to consider the ramifications of the British Men of Letters fallout and…