Top Ten Most Poignant “Supernatural” Moments

Top Ten Most Poignant “Supernatural” Moments

Just like any work of art (and I consider Supernatural to be one in its own form), something that is poignant is subjective and deeply personal. So when I began brainstorming the Top Ten Most Poignant “Supernatural” Moments, I simply thought about those instances in the show where where I gulped down the lump in…

Ten Supernatural Gratuitous Moments – Take Two

My planned article today, a well written thought provoking analysis, suffered greatly from one vicious case of writers block.  So what happens to a fatigued and stressed mind that missed a deadline?  Easy, it heads for the gutter.   In going through the archives and updated photo gallery for inspiration I found my articles last…

Top 22 Previously Unseen Supernatural Beings I Want In Season 6 – Part One

Top 22 Previously Unseen Supernatural Beings I Want In Season 6 – Part One

I was more than halfway through my own list of monsters I wanted to see in season 6 when I checked in to TWFB and saw that Elle2 had created an excellent list of monsters she wanted to see in season 6!  Thankfully, I was writing about things we haven’t seen yet, while she mostly…

The Top 11 Supernatural Characters I’d Love To See Back

I’m pleased to be posting another guest article from Laurel.  It’s been a long while since we’ve had a Top Ten (or 11 in this case) article, so enjoy! ———————————————– Yes, eleven.  Dare to be different. Note that a fair few of these characters have just about zero chance of coming back (I suppose I can’t…