Head Out On The Highway, Looking For Adventure

Head Out On The Highway, Looking For Adventure

HEAD OUT ON THE HIGHWAY, LOOKING FOR ADVENTURE A Winchester Family Road Trip (sort of)   I’m feeling a certain empathy with John Winchester these days.   Sadly, it’s not because I drive a gorgeous, vintage, black car.  No.  I drive a blue Honda minivan, known to my children as “Bob”.  (It’s a long story.)…

Hunters In The House – Illustrated Song for Two Brothers

The last illustrated song I offered you was Les Misérables’ “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables.” I have to confess that my mind can hardly let go of the beautiful music of that marvellous stage show! So, this time it came up with a completely silly version of Les Mis’ “Master of the House.” In the…

The WFB Gazette Presents the Edlund’s Season Seven Plans

There is still more to Ben Edlund, ahem, the Edlund, than meets the eye. As some of you might recall, the Winchester Family Business Gazette revealed this mastermind’s secret season plans last year. In wake of Comic Con, the WFB Gazette’s unyieldingly tireless reporter Jaspala Wesson got hold of the Edlund once more and wormed…

In Praise of the Jaredoodle

From hurting puppy to adorable pet with teeth in his mouth – here’s Jaspala Wesson’s exclusive report on a new breed of rarities. Despite its discovery in 2005, this exceptional breed hasn’t been studied by scientists yet. But – times are changing. The WFB Gazette’s intrepid reporter hunted down the researchers entrusted with the study…

2011 Daily Supernatural Motivational Posters

They’re back!  By popular demand, and because we desperately need these to get through another long Summer Hellatus, Ardeospina is bringing back the Daily Motivational Posters.  Come back here each daily to get your new inspirational message.  You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll think we’re completely nuts.  We like it that way!  Want to fondly look…