Countdown To The Finale: A Supernatural Season’s End Survival Guide

Countdown To The Finale: A Supernatural Season’s End Survival Guide

We all know the last episode of the season is going to be extremely emotional.  Luckily, I’ve got a handy guide of things you’ll need and things you’ll can do to help you get through them. 1.  Kleenex.   2.  Keep all throwable objects out of arm’s reach.   3.  Chocolate.   4.  If that…

Why Supernatural Makes Fans Happy (In 140 Char or Less)

Usually at various points in the long Supernatural season, fans can get a little grumpy.  An episode will come along that divides the fandom, and in the heat of debate, we sometimes forget the basics.  We sometimes forget to ask ourselves,  ”Why Does Supernatural Make You Happy?”   After reading all the lively discussions here…

Supernatural: The Musical, “Dancing Through Life With The Winchesters”

  “Supernatural”: The Musical  or   How I’ll Fulfill My Fantasy of a “Supernatural” Musical Episode Come Hell or High Water Having accepted the possibility that there may never be a “Supernatural” musical episode (sob!), I’ve decided to make my own version. Depending on the response, I’ll do a few of these to various numbers…

Hellatus Time Killing Quick Poll:  Which Is Your Favorite Season For Sam’s Hair?

Hellatus Time Killing Quick Poll: Which Is Your Favorite Season For Sam’s Hair?

It’s another Hellatus, we need distractions, and I just couldn’t pass this up, despite the fact that my obssession with Sam Winchester’s hair could be considered by some taking a folly a bit too far.  Okay, perhaps a lot.  I got this priceless photo yesterday on Twitter.

Most Wanted Meta!

So in the spirit of fun I started thinking about meta and about what types of episodes I’d really like to see the show attempt. “Changing Channels,” “The Real Ghostbusters,” “Ghostfacers,” and “The French Mistake” kind of played with form, so I thought I’d go through my list of form-meta recommendations. I invite you to…

Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

(Originally posted December 3rd, 2009) Since Monty Python has been one source of some warped discussions lately , there’s no better song for the Apocalypse!  So here you go, the perfect song to die by, “Always Look On The Bright Side of Life.” ——————————————————— Some things in life are bad They can really make you mad Other…