A Supernatural Meta – HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS: Books, Burgers & Boys

A Supernatural Meta – HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS: Books, Burgers & Boys

HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS: Books, Burgers & Boys The Impala, of course, has all the things other cars have… and a few things they don’t. But none of that stuff’s important. This is the stuff that’s important. The army man that Sam crammed in the ashtray – it’s still stuck there. The Legos…

Supernatural Season Eight and Playing With Perception: The Insight of Sam and Dean

Supernatural Season Eight and Playing with Perception:  The Insight of Sam and Dean “People only see what they are prepared to see.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson After the first few episodes of Season 8 of Supernatural, I found myself wondering if things were really what they seemed.  Did Castiel really get left behind?   Was…

Grotesque Rules of Engagement: The Ethics of the Hunt on “Supernatural,” Part Two

Grotesque Rules of Engagement: The Ethics of the Hunt on “Supernatural,” Part Two

Grotesque Rules of Engagement: The Ethics of the Hunt on “Supernatural,” Part Two In the first section of this essay (Read it here!), I wrote about Sam’s “monstrous” nature (neither good nor bad) as being an essential part of understanding the ethics of hunting on Supernatural because he, as one of the key agents in…

The Absence of the Supernatural Brotherly Moment: Where Did All The Brother Scenes Go?

Fans of Supernatural enjoy the show for different reasons.  So we’re used to the dissent that comes with a whole lot of people expressing their opinions over what they like and don’t like.   One element that we don’t seem to fight over, though, is our fondness for the brothers’ relationship.  In fact, if you…

The Day The Padababy Was Born or The Tweet Heard Around The World

I was just heading to the kitchen to feed my dog Harry when I heard Dean yell out “Son of a bitch”, which is how my phone announces I have a message. I grabbed it assuming it was something everyday, only to see that long awaited tweet from @jarpad….. “It’s a boy :)”   KABOOOOM! Supernatural…

Grotesque Rules of Engagement: The Ethics of the Hunt on Supernatural, Part One

Grotesque Rules of Engagement: The Ethics of the Hunt on Supernatural       “The growing doubt of human autonomy and reason has created a state of moral confusion where man is left without guidance of either revelation or reason.” – Erich Fromm, Man for Himself   To say Supernatural is morally confused might be…