Supernatural Old v New: Part Two – Sam and Dean’s Motivations and Desires

Supernatural Old v New: Part Two – Sam and Dean’s Motivations and Desires

  Initially, I began looking at Sam and Dean separately when it came to their motives and desires: two wholly individual pieces on two different men. As time went on, however, it became increasingly apparent that you can’t readily examine one without the other present because as we well know – the Winchester brothers are…

Fan Video of the Week: Supernatural Reflections “Final Countdown”

Fan Video of the Week: Supernatural Reflections “Final Countdown”

“Stories you read when you’re the right age never quite leave you. You may forget who wrote them or what the story was called. Sometimes you’ll forget precisely what happened, but if a story touches you it will stay with you, haunting the places in your mind that you rarely ever visit.” ― Neil Gaiman,…

Ten Reasons Why Eric Kripke is The Greatest Guy in the Universe

Ten Reasons Why Eric Kripke is The Greatest Guy in the Universe

(photo from Alice Jester) If you all don’t know, Eric Kripke, the original overlord of “Supernatural” and creator of the show, recently joined Twitter.  I’ve been LOVING it.  Kripke is a special person in my heart, and not just because he created a TV show that has dramatically changed my life.  He’s been a creative…

Supernatural’s Brotherly Moments Part 4: Chick Flick Moments

Supernatural’s Brotherly Moments Part 4: Chick Flick Moments

When I started this series of articles, I tried to make a “Top Ten” list but picking out just ten “Broments” was simply not possible. Then I also had to ponder what justifies a Brotherly Moment.  To me it was more than just the heart to heart, hugging, emotional  moments. I also felt the pranks,…

Supernatural’s Brotherly Moments Part 3: Brothers In Unison

When starting this series of articles, I tried to make this a Top Ten list but picking out just ten “Broments” was simply not possible. Then I also had to ponder what justifies a Brotherly Moment.  To me it was more than just the heart to heart, hugging, emotional  moments. I also felt the pranks,…