Breathtaking Photos of Supernatural’s Jared Padalecki

Breathtaking Photos of Supernatural’s Jared Padalecki

I’ve had this idea for a while. What if we put together a series of our favorite photos of Supernatural‘s lead stars and characters? I’m not talking about the good pictures, or even the really good pictures, because, let’s be honest, it’s hard for the Supernatural actors to not be attractive in every picture they…

Entertainment Weekly’s Supernatural Cover Shoot – Updated!

Entertainment Weekly’s Supernatural Cover Shoot – Updated!

It’s been an abundance of riches this week for Supernatural fans!  Entertainment Weekly‘s Samantha Highfill and photographer Peggy Sirota took Jared, Jensen and Misha to a mountain top in Malibu, California for what has become the most amazing stream of high energy, high emotion photos ever gifted to fans!   The Entertainment Weekly Cover Shoot On…

No Sympathy For A Devil Part II:  A Further Look at Ruby Revisited

No Sympathy For A Devil Part II: A Further Look at Ruby Revisited

Editor’s Note: To celebrate Genevieve Padalecki’s birthday, I went looking through our archives for articles about her portrayal of Ruby. This 2-part analysis was first published in December of 2011. It traces Ruby’s motivations and impact on Sam and Dean from her introduction in season 3 through her death in season 4. It goes deeper…

No Sympathy For A Devil Part I:  A Closer Look at Ruby Revisited

No Sympathy For A Devil Part I: A Closer Look at Ruby Revisited

Editor’s Note: To celebrate Genevieve Padalecki’s birthday, I went looking through our archives for articles about her Supernatural character, Ruby. This 2-part analysis of Ruby was first published in December of 2011. It traces Ruby’s motivations and impact on Sam and Dean from her introduction in season 3 through her death in season 4. It…

Misha Shares Unexpected News During a Surprise Chicago Visit!

Misha Shares Unexpected News During a Surprise Chicago Visit!

Today started out like any other Monday… I was settled in at my desk, reading emails, editing writing and updating calendars. I was quietly minding my own business, wondering how much I could get done before tonight’s exercise (unwanted but very necessary) class. As happens quite often throughout the day, my phone buzzed with a…

Broments: Supernatural’s Epic Story Told in Sam’s Hugs

Broments: Supernatural’s Epic Story Told in Sam’s Hugs

Editor’s Note: I first saw Cat Dean’s Twitter thread of epic, emotional moments between Sam and Dean Winchester in July of 2018. The narration was gut wrenching, telling the story of big brother Dean’s love for Sam, and the emotional attachment we all have for Supernatural. The other half of the story is, of course, Sam’s…

Austin, Texas: Shops, Selfies and Supernatural Day 2019!

Austin, Texas: Shops, Selfies and Supernatural Day 2019!

“Shops, Selfies and Supernatural Day” is Part 2 of my report on visiting all things Supernatural in Austin, Texas last month! During these latter days of my trip, I toured the city with fellow Supernatural fangirls, culminating in us all attending the Supernatural Day celebration at San Jac’s! If you missed Part 1, “Bars, Breweries…