The WFB Short Attention Span Theater Presents: Sam’s Very Special Birthday

The WFB Short Attention Span Theater Presents: Sam’s Very Special Birthday

It’s May 2nd, which is a very special day in Supernatural land. It’s Sam Winchester’s birthday!  Dean has aspirations of pie in celebration, but Sam and Castiel have something very different happening.  Complete with season nine angst and conflict just so you know what season it is when you see this years later.  The Winchester…

The WFB Short Attention Span Theater Presents:  Just An Average Memorial Day in the Men of Letters Bunker

The WFB Short Attention Span Theater Presents: Just An Average Memorial Day in the Men of Letters Bunker

It’s the return of the Winchester Family Business Short Attention Span Theater.  In today’s very special holiday dramatization, it’s Memorial Day, and things are getting a little tense in the Men of Letters bunker these days.   {loadposition slideshow10}

The WFB Short Attention Span Theater Presents: Holiday Madness

The WFB Short Attention Span Theater Presents: Holiday Madness

Here’s a re-posting of last year’s totally off the wall idea that came from too many holiday celebrations this weekend.  The opinions expressed in the presentation are one of Mr. Dean Winchester and not yours truly.  Enjoy! ———————————————–  The Winchester Family Business Short Attention Span Theater – in honor of Canada Day and 4th of…