Preview and Episode Discussion:  “Mannequin 3:  The Reckoning” (6.14)

Preview and Episode Discussion: “Mannequin 3: The Reckoning” (6.14)

The ending of last week’s episode was something of a shocker, depicting Sam’s dark history of murder and his visit to the fires of Hell, and once again the anguish Dean has over losing his brother.  But this week, we see both boys back to normal and hopefully for good this time.     Dean…

Preview and Episode Discussion:  “Like A Virgin” (6.12)

Preview and Episode Discussion: “Like A Virgin” (6.12)

(Spoiler alert!)   This Friday’s episode of Supernatural (preempted from last Friday) is destined to be a series classic based on all the advanced reviews of the show.  While every review agrees they can’t divulge too much about the Sam stuff, what they can reveal is fantastic.   First and foremost, they all agree that…