Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 7

Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 7

As I was looking for a way to pass the quarantine summer doldrums, I saw Entertainment Weekly’s list of what it considered to be the 75 most ‘essential’ episodes of Supernatural, leading up to Season 15. Since any excuse for a rewatch is a good excuse, I figured I’d not only invite my Supernatural “Team Free Will…

Supernatural Season Seven: Hits and Misses – A Second Look

Supernatural Season Seven: Hits and Misses – A Second Look

Supernatural Season Seven: Hits and Misses – A Second Look It’s been a few years now since I began the “Hits and Misses” reflections pieces. They’re always a fun way to look back at the last ten years of adventures, emotional moments and character arcs of our favourite brothers. The season seven list holds a unique…

Supernatural S6 & S7: The Gamble Years – Part 3: Season 7

Supernatural S6 & S7: The Gamble Years – Part 3: Season 7

Well another midseason hiatus is upon us so now I get to resume this retrospective that got pushed back last hiatus for… reasons. For those that need a refresher: Part 1 of this series. Part 2. I noted in part 2 that S6 really did function far better as a viewing experience binging on DVD/streaming/whatever…

Closing The Door on “Supernatural” S7: Alice’s Season 7 Review, aka B Movie Meets Cop Procedural

Closing The Door on “Supernatural” S7: Alice’s Season 7 Review, aka B Movie Meets Cop Procedural

To do a season seven review by now would seem like rubbing salt into old wounds.  However, I never did give it a proper sendoff – and I’m so ready to give it a sendoff.  I want to look fully forward to season eight without so much as a glance in the rearview mirror.  However,…

Closing the Door on Supernatural S7: Quo Vadis, “Supernatural”?

Please welcome for the first time Cathia as a guest writer.  As part of our “Closting the Door on Supernatural Season Seven” series, Cathia is offering a somewhat more frustrated view of season seven, especially when compared to season six. Considering how season seven has drummed up a lot of strong fan opinions, it seemed…

Closing The Door on Supernatural S7: Mo Ryan’s Hope For Season 8

I found this article particularly perfect in it’s timing, since I was getting ready to kick off a series of articles leading up to Comic Con about season seven. The series is called, “Closing the Door on Supernatural Season 7.” In this first installment, my dear friend Mo Ryan has done it again!  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/maureen-ryan/supernatural-season-8_b_1651908.html?utm_hp_ref=entertainment&ir=Entertainment

The Supernatural Season 7 Enigma of Sam Winchester’s Hair

The Supernatural Season 7 Enigma of Sam Winchester’s Hair

I have a treat for you this year.  This season’s “The Engima of Sam Winchester’s Hair” is in slideshow format!  80 plus slides of nothing put hair mocking goodness.  I’m gonna warn, it might be dangerous to watch this at work.  Unless your co-workers have heard you laugh out loud a lot over silly things…

The Winchester Family Business Supernatural Season 7 Awards – Special Mention Categories

The Winchester Family Business Supernatural Season 7 Awards – Special Mention Categories

Final round of our annual awards!  This is our third installment for season seven, aka the Special Mention Awards.  So what are those?  Categories that cover all the other moments that I didn’t get to in the first two set of awards.  That means usually offbeat categories that I made up for fun.   I’ve…

The Winchester Family Business Supernatural Season 7 Awards – Editor’s Choice

The Winchester Family Business Supernatural Season 7 Awards – Editor’s Choice

The fans have voted and made their voices heard, and now it’s my turn!  Time for the totally subjective, completely unscientific, purely for entertainment purposes (and perhaps designed to fuel lively debate) Winchester Family Business Editor’s Choice awards.  The editor being me.  The following categories are ones that I’ve done before in prior seasons’ awards.  As I’ve…

The Winchester Family Business Supernatural Season 7 Fan Awards

The Winchester Family Business Supernatural Season 7 Fan Awards

The results are in, the votes have been counted, and now we can reveal the winners of the first ever Winchester Family Business Supernatural Fan Awards.  For those that missed it, fans were asked to vote in 15 categories for Supernatural’s season seven.  We ran voting for ten days and got plenty of great and…

“Supernatural” Season 7 Episode Titles Explained: Part 2

It’s time for more titles! If you missed part one, make sure to check it out. There is a lot of good discussion going on in the comments section. (Like how did I miss the “Pulp Fiction”/”Slash Fiction” reference?) I’m certainly no expert; just an avid Googler, so make sure to give your input in…