Nate Winchester’s Remix of Supernatural 9.12 – “Sharp Teeth”

Nate Winchester’s Remix of Supernatural 9.12 – “Sharp Teeth”

I admit I did something with this episode I don’t normally do. Filled with a lot of possible options for writing this remix, I perused some other reviews for some inspiration. After seeing all the pain and tears floating around the fandom, I hope this little remix helps ease everyone’s pain.

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×12 – “Sharp Teeth”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×12 – “Sharp Teeth”

Warning: If you have not seen tonight’s episode, “Sharp Teeth,” then beware spoilers ahead!  (From Alice – please take the snark you’re about to read in good humored fun.) Summary:  This episode opens with Farmer Jim plowing out of his house because someone’s tipping cows in his pasture. He shoots at the cowtipper, who runs…